My working branch is here main...aconz2:cpython:aconz2/early-tail-call-load
I saw the recent merge of the tail call interpreter (#128718), very nice! I have played with this style of interpreter before and one thing that comes up is when to calculate the target address. As it is, the current interpreter does it in DISPATCH()
by doing
// ...
this results in assembly like:
0000000000289580 <_TAIL_CALL_GET_LEN>:
289580: 50 push rax
289581: 89 fb mov ebx, edi
289583: 4d 89 7c 24 38 mov qword ptr [r12 + 0x38], r15
289588: 49 83 c7 02 add r15, 0x2
28958c: 49 8b 7d f8 mov rdi, qword ptr [r13 - 0x8]
289590: 4d 89 6c 24 40 mov qword ptr [r12 + 0x40], r13
289595: e8 f6 fc ea ff call 0x139290 <PyObject_Size>
28959a: 4d 8b 6c 24 40 mov r13, qword ptr [r12 + 0x40]
28959f: 49 c7 44 24 40 00 00 00 00 mov qword ptr [r12 + 0x40], 0x0
2895a8: 48 85 c0 test rax, rax
2895ab: 78 2b js 0x2895d8 <_TAIL_CALL_GET_LEN+0x58>
2895ad: 48 89 c7 mov rdi, rax
2895b0: e8 eb 54 ec ff call 0x14eaa0 <PyLong_FromSsize_t>
2895b5: 48 85 c0 test rax, rax
2895b8: 74 1e je 0x2895d8 <_TAIL_CALL_GET_LEN+0x58>
2895ba: 49 89 45 00 mov qword ptr [r13], rax
2895be: 49 83 c5 08 add r13, 0x8
2895c2: 41 0f b7 3f movzx edi, word ptr [r15] #<-- Load next_instr
2895c6: 40 0f b6 c7 movzx eax, dil #<-- grab opcode
2895ca: c1 ef 08 shr edi, 0x8
2895cd: 48 8d 0d 7c 50 1f 00 lea rcx, [rip + 0x1f507c] # 0x47e650 <INSTRUCTION_TABLE>
2895d4: 5a pop rdx
2895d5: ff 24 c1 jmp qword ptr [rcx + 8*rax] #<-- jmp with addr calculation
2895d8: 89 df mov edi, ebx
2895da: 58 pop rax
2895db: e9 30 dc ff ff jmp 0x287210 <_TAIL_CALL_error>
where we jmp to a computed adress which is dependent on the lea and a memory load a few instructions prior.
Another method looks like
// ...
tail_funcptr next_f = INSTRUCTION_TABLE[next_opcode];
// ...
TAIL return next_f(ARGS);
where we try to get the compiler to compute the target earlier and then have a jmp reg
. We have to pay special attention to places where next_instr
is modified and reload the pointer (though hopefully the optimizer will just wait to do the calculation until the latest place).
In this early branch, I was able to get this working enough to see what asm it would generate. For _TAIL_CALL_GET_LEN
, the sequence now looks like
00000000002896b0 <_TAIL_CALL_GET_LEN>:
2896b0: 55 push rbp
2896b1: 89 fb mov ebx, edi
2896b3: 4d 89 7c 24 38 mov qword ptr [r12 + 0x38], r15
2896b8: 41 0f b6 47 02 movzx eax, byte ptr [r15 + 0x2] #<-- Load next instr opcode
2896bd: 49 83 c7 02 add r15, 0x2
2896c1: 48 8d 0d 88 5f 1f 00 lea rcx, [rip + 0x1f5f88] # 0x47f650 <INSTRUCTION_TABLE>
2896c8: 48 8b 2c c1 mov rbp, qword ptr [rcx + 8*rax] #<-- load next target addr
2896cc: 49 8b 7d f8 mov rdi, qword ptr [r13 - 0x8]
2896d0: 4d 89 6c 24 40 mov qword ptr [r12 + 0x40], r13
2896d5: e8 b6 fb ea ff call 0x139290 <PyObject_Size>
2896da: 4d 8b 6c 24 40 mov r13, qword ptr [r12 + 0x40]
2896df: 49 c7 44 24 40 00 00 00 00 mov qword ptr [r12 + 0x40], 0x0
2896e8: 48 85 c0 test rax, rax
2896eb: 78 20 js 0x28970d <_TAIL_CALL_GET_LEN+0x5d>
2896ed: 48 89 c7 mov rdi, rax
2896f0: e8 ab 53 ec ff call 0x14eaa0 <PyLong_FromSsize_t>
2896f5: 48 85 c0 test rax, rax
2896f8: 74 13 je 0x28970d <_TAIL_CALL_GET_LEN+0x5d>
2896fa: 49 89 45 00 mov qword ptr [r13], rax
2896fe: 49 83 c5 08 add r13, 0x8
289702: 41 0f b6 7f 01 movzx edi, byte ptr [r15 + 0x1]
289707: 48 89 e8 mov rax, rbp #<-- register rename
28970a: 5d pop rbp
28970b: ff e0 jmp rax #<-- jmp to target addr
28970d: 89 df mov edi, ebx
28970f: 5d pop rbp
289710: e9 fb da ff ff jmp 0x287210 <_TAIL_CALL_error>
289715: 66 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 nop word ptr cs:[rax + rax]
2896c1: 48 8d 0d 88 5f 1f 00 lea rcx, [rip + 0x1f5f88] # 0x47f650 <INSTRUCTION_TABLE>
2896c8: 48 8b 2c c1 mov rbp, qword ptr [rcx + 8*rax]
Specifically in this case, both PyObject_Size and PyLong_FromSsize_t don't touch rbp so there isn't any additional register pressure. But I haven't looked extensively so may not be universally true.
My theory is that this could be better for the CPU because in this example once it gets back from PyLong_FromSsize_t, the jump target is already in a register and could maybe prefetch better.
Have not benchmarked anything yet.
Looking at another example _TAIL_CALL_BINARY_OP_SUBSCR_GETITEM
, this does a LOAD_IP()
towards the end so we have to reload our target address. It does seem like the optimizer is smart enough to avoid double loading, but this just ends up with an almost identical ending:
# main
28eba5: 41 0f b7 3f movzx edi, word ptr [r15]
28eba9: 40 0f b6 cf movzx ecx, dil
28ebad: c1 ef 08 shr edi, 0x8
28ebb0: 48 8d 15 99 fa 1e 00 lea rdx, [rip + 0x1efa99] # 0x47e650 <INSTRUCTION_TABLE>
28ebb7: 49 89 c4 mov r12, rax
28ebba: ff 24 ca jmp qword ptr [rdx + 8*rcx]
# this branch
28f185: 41 0f b6 0f movzx ecx, byte ptr [r15]
28f189: 48 8d 15 c0 04 1f 00 lea rdx, [rip + 0x1f04c0] # 0x47f650 <INSTRUCTION_TABLE>
28f190: 41 0f b6 7f 01 movzx edi, byte ptr [r15 + 0x1]
28f195: 49 89 c4 mov r12, rax
28f198: ff 24 ca jmp qword ptr [rdx + 8*rcx]
I did this a bit half-hazardly through a combination of modifying macros and manual changes to anything that assigns to next_instr
and a few special cases like exit_unwind
that didn't fit. Could clean up with some direction.
One super naive metric is
# should be a tab after jmp
llvm-objdump --x86-asm-syntax=intel -D python | grep 'jmp r' | wc -l
which is 916 for this modification and 731 originally, so 185 more places where we jmp to a register instead of a computed address.