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Clarify the Purpose of the PyGILState API and Identify Better Alternatives #131267




This especially applies to the following sections:

but also:

The PyGILState_* C-API was introduced by PEP 311 as a convenience for extension maintainers for some very specific situations:

  • code running in the current thread does not know if it holds the GIL
  • this situation may involve reentrancy

The PyGILState_* API also (almost incidentally) supports use cases that are more appropriately satisfied by other API, like Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS()/Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS() for balanced acquire-release.

The documentation isn't so clear about the specific use cases, nor that an interested user may actually want a different API. For example, from a recent issue I saw: We were wrapping each evaluation in PyGILState_Ensure and PyGILState_Release, which I believe is a correct way to do this.

FTR, does a decent job of explaining, as does the PEP, but the entries for PyGILState_Ensure() and PyGILState_Release() are less clear.

FWIW, I expect that it is easier now to deal with the motivating cases using the exiting C-API than it was in 2003. I'm not sure we would accept something like PEP 311 if it were proposed today. Then again, for a pair of operations that needs to balanced like this, having a specific pair of functions is helpful.

Related: a recent discussion about replacing the PyGILState_* API:

Also see gh-131264 and gh-131265.




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    3.12bugs and security fixes3.13bugs and security fixes3.14new features, bugs and security fixesdocsDocumentation in the Doc dirtopic-C-API


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