Running stubtest from mypy main on typeshed produces:
error: not checking stubs due to mypy build errors:
stdlib/asyncio/events.pyi:23: note: class asyncio.unix_events.AbstractChildWatcher is deprecated: Deprecated as of Python 3.12; will be removed in Python 3.14 [deprecated]
stdlib/unittest/__init__.pyi:53: note: function unittest.loader.findTestCases is deprecated: Deprecated in Python 3.11; removal scheduled for Python 3.13 [deprecated]
stdlib/unittest/__init__.pyi:53: note: function unittest.loader.getTestCaseNames is deprecated: Deprecated in Python 3.11; removal scheduled for Python 3.13 [deprecated]
stdlib/unittest/__init__.pyi:53: note: function unittest.loader.makeSuite is deprecated: Deprecated in Python 3.11; removal scheduled for Python 3.13 [deprecated]
Which is not very useful. Maybe we should suppress deprecated
in typeshed's configuration or in stubtest in general.