I could not find the same issue previously reported here, but these concepts are so generic I would not be surprised user-error is the cause of my failed earch.
Bug Report
In the following script, mypy correctly identifies a string formatting error in case B, which uses print
Cases E and F will both raise exceptions and are not caught.
To Reproduce
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
a = "1"
b = "2"
print("print.passes A (%s) %s" % (a, b))
print(" B [mypy catches] (%s) %s" % (a, ))
except TypeError:
log.critical("log.passes C (%s) %s" % (a, b))
log.critical("log.passes D (%s) %s" , a, b)
log.critical(" E (%s) %s" , (a, b))
log.critical(" F (%s) %s" , a)
Expected Behavior
I expected mypy to catch the string formatting error here.
I understand logging.log works differently and delays the interpolation. it would be nice if mypy could catch the number of arguments passed to logging to hint at a possible error or pass
Actual Behavior
mypy does not catch this
Your Environment