- Are you reporting a bug, or opening a feature request?
Reporting a performance issue
- Please insert below the code you are checking with mypy,
or a mock-up repro if the source is private. We would appreciate
if you try to simplify your case to a minimal repro.
a = [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
time mypy
- What is the actual behavior/output?
Mypy type-checks the file successfully
- What is the behavior/output you expect?
Mypy takes an inordinate amount of time to type-check the file.
On my laptop, it takes 13 seconds with 18 levels of nesting, 32 seconds with 19 levels, and 9 minutes 53 seconds with 20 levels of nesting.
- What are the versions of mypy and Python you are using?
Do you see the same issue after installing mypy from Git master?
I am able to reproduce the issue with mypy 0.750 and with mypy master.
- What are the mypy flags you are using? (For example --strict-optional)
No particular flags. I am able to reproduce the issue with and without --no-incremental
- Additional notes:
I experience the same problem with dictionaries:
a = {0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:{0:
My actual use-case involves embedding JSON schemas in Python files, with mypy taking over a minute type-checking a single Python file.