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Warnings during documentation build #1




While building the translation for 3.6, I got some inconsistent term references in translated message and some Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string..

Typically in

msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`long long`."
msgstr "PythonのintをC :c:type:`long long`へ変換する。"

It looks like the rst parser does not like the へ to be glued to the backtick. I hoever don't know Japanese and can't tell if a space is acceptable or not here.

Some "inconsistend term references" looks to be legitimate (using a term reference when the term is used in the english version without reference) but some may not be, like: " the translation speak about PyEval_RestoreThread but the english paragraph does not. Can't tell if it's an issue or deliberate though.

Here is a short extraction from the logs, tell me if you want more:

/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/doctest.rst:1386: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/doctest.rst:1409: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/doctest.rst:1546: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/doctest.rst:1556: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/doctest.rst:1698: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/doctest.rst:1794: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/email.header.rst:110: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/email.util.rst:116: WARNING: inconsistent footnote references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/exceptions.rst:460: WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/exceptions.rst:460: WARNING: Inline interpreted text or phrase reference start-string without end-string.
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/exceptions.rst:460: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/exceptions.rst:465: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/functions.rst:1172: WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/functions.rst:936: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/functions.rst:1143: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/functions.rst:1172: WARNING: Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/functions.rst:1533: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/gettext.rst:151: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/gettext.rst:316: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/gettext.rst:517: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/grp.rst:46: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message
/srv/docsbuild/python36/Doc/library/gzip.rst:64: WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message




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