Suppose I have a type of function called CommandHandler, that is a function that receives a command as its first parameter but then could have other parameters.
class Command:
class RegisterUser(Command):
class DeleteUser(Command):
def register_user(command: RegisterUser, db : Db) -> None:
def delete_user(command: DeleteUser, dispatch: EventDispatcher, cache: Cache) -> None:
mappings : dict[Command, CommandHandler] = {
RegisterUser: register_user,
DeleteUser: delete_user
What would be the definition of CommandHandler?
Ideally it would be:
C= TypeVar("C", bound=Command)
CommandHandler = Callable[[C, ...], None]
But this syntax is not possible.
I've found in the documentation that Concatenate could receive ...
at the end,
Concatenate is currently only valid when used as the first argument to a Callable. The last parameter to Concatenate must be a ParamSpec or ellipsis (...).
so it could be:
C= TypeVar("C", bound=Command)
CommandHandler = Callable[Concatenate[C, ...], None]
But this returns an error from Pylance:
One could say Callback Protocol could solve this like:
C= TypeVar("C", bound=Command)
class CommandHandler(Protocol):
def __call__(self, __command: C, *__args: Any) -> None: ...
But it only receives functions that has an implicit variadic argument, it doesn't work with variadic forms of the function.
So far the only way I could solve this is through the Union of many Callables, but it doesn't look like the best solution.
At the end CommandHandler
can only be defined as:
C= TypeVar("C", bound=Command)
CommandHandler = Union[
Callable[[C, Any], None],
Callable[[C, Any, Any], None],
Callable[[C, Any, Any, Any], None],
Callable[[C, Any, Any, Any, Any], None],
Callable[[C, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None],
Callable[[C, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None],
Callable[[C, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None],
[C, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any], None