🐛 Bug
I am using gradients to calculate the N-dimensional integral of a Multidimensional Normal Distribution. However, I observed that the gradient values along dimensions are different, which seems strange. Below are the steps and code snippets demonstrating the issue.
Steps to Reproduce:
Compute the integral and gradients using the provided code.
Compare the results with finite difference approximations.
** Code snippet to reproduce **
from botorch.utils.probability.bvn import bvnu
from botorch.utils.probability import bvn, MVNXPB
import torch
dtype = torch.float64
N_dim = 6
up_limit = torch.ones(N_dim, dtype=dtype)
up_limit[0] = torch.tensor([1.], dtype=dtype)
integration_limits = torch.tensor([[-torch.inf, -torch.inf]] * N_dim)
integration_limits[...,-1] = up_limit
cov_matrix = (0.5 * torch.ones((N_dim, N_dim), dtype=dtype)).fill_diagonal_(1.)
mvn_pb = MVNXPB(cov_matrix, integration_limits)
pb_result = mvn_pb.log_prob.exp()
print(f'pb_result: {pb_result}')
delta_limit = torch.autograd.grad(pb_result, up_limit, create_graph=False, retain_graph=False)
print(f'delta_integral {delta_limit}')
When I calculate the same derivatives with finite differences, all values are the same as expected. We can see that the finite differences values are close to the last two values of delta_limit.
Additionally, if the cov_matrix is an identity matrix, we do not observe this behavior. The gradient values are the same along the dimensions and are close to the finite difference values.
finite_differences = []
for i in range(integration_limits[...,-1].shape[-1]):
integration_limits[...,-1][i] = 1.0001
mvn_pb = MVNXPB(cov_matrix, integration_limits)
pb_result_2 = mvn_pb.log_prob.exp()
finite_differences.append((pb_result_2 - pb_result) / .0001)
integration_limits[...,-1][i] = 1.
print(f'finite_differences {finite_differences}')
** Stack trace/error message **
delta_integral (tensor([0.0930755, 0.0930755, 0.0848957, 0.0848957, 0.0782828, 0.0782828],
Expected Behavior
finite_differences [tensor(0.0782873, dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>), tensor(0.0782873, dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>), tensor(0.0782873, dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>), tensor(0.0782873, dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>), tensor(0.0782873, dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>), tensor(0.0782873, dtype=torch.float64, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>)]
System information
Please complete the following information:
- BoTorch Version 0.11.0
- GPyTorch Version 1.11
- PyTorch Version 2.3.0
- Computer OS macOS Sonoma 14.4.1
Is this a bug or is there an explanation for this behavior?