❓ Questions and Help
I've been successfull using captum's LayerIntegratedGradients
but none of my attempts trying the same sorts of inputs and targets using
seem to work.
I'm working with a BertForMultipleChoice
model, and the input is a list of
the repeated prompt followed by the choices:
for i,c in enumerate(tst['input_ids'][0]):
indices = c.detach().tolist()
sepIdx = indices.index(SEP_IDX)
nearSep = indices[sepIdx-prefix:]
preTokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(indices[sepIdx-prefix:sepIdx-1])
choiceTokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(indices[sepIdx+1:])
print(f"{i} {sepIdx} {' '.join(preTokens):>55}\t[SEP] {' '.join(choiceTokens)}")
0 120 behalf of fake charities . as webster sees it [SEP] recognizing the guidelines commentary is authoritative [SEP]
1 109 when he sol ##ici ##ted personal information from the [SEP] holding that a sentencing guide ##line pre ##va ##ils over its commentary if the two are inconsistent [SEP]
2 98 l ( b ) ( 9 ) ( a [SEP] holding that sentencing guidelines commentary must be given controlling weight unless it violate ##s the constitution or a federal statute or is plainly inconsistent with the guidelines itself [SEP]
3 99 ( b ) ( 9 ) ( a ) [SEP] holding that commentary is not authoritative if it is inconsistent with or a plainly er ##rone ##ous reading of the guide ##line it interpret ##s or explains [SEP]
4 119 on behalf of fake charities . as webster sees [SEP] holding that guidelines commentary is generally authoritative [SEP]
I'm using LayerIntegratedGradients
with a test example and a target scalar reprsenting the index
of the correct (multiple choice) like this:
tstEGTuple = (tst['input_ids'],
targetIdx = 3 # for this particular test example
lig = LayerIntegratedGradients(custForwardModel, model.bert.embeddings)
attributions_ig = lig.attribute(tstEGTuple, n_steps=5,target=targetIdx)
and that works, eg allowing calculations like summarize_attributions(attributions_ig), viz.VisualizationDataRecord()
For LLMAttribution I am following the Llama2 tutorial The closest I can get with LLMAttribution seems to require use of TextTokenInput
for input, but raw text for the target?
in0 = tst['input_ids'][0][0]
in0_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(in0)
in0Txt = ' '.join(in0_tokens)
in4captum = TextTokenInput(in0Txt, tokenizer,skip_tokens=skip_tokens)
target = targetList[egIdx]
targetIn = tst['input_ids'][0][target]
targ_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(targetIn)
targTxt = ' '.join(targ_tokens)
# targ4captum = TextTokenInput(targTxt, tokenizer,skip_tokens=skip_tokens)
llm_attr = LLMAttribution(fa, tokenizer)
attributions_fa = llm_attr.attribute(in4captum, target=targTxt)
but this raises an exception, that prepare_inputs_for_generation
available for this BertForMultipleChoice
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/rik/Code/eclipse/ai4law/src/", line 874, in <module>
File "/Users/rik/Code/eclipse/ai4law/src/", line 854, in main
File "/Users/rik/Code/eclipse/ai4law/src/", line 479, in captumPerturb
attributions_fa = llm_attr.attribute(in4captum, target=targTxt)
File "/Users/rik/data/pkg/miniconda3/envs/ai4law2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/captum/attr/_core/", line 667, in attribute
cur_attr = self.attr_method.attribute(
File "/Users/rik/data/pkg/miniconda3/envs/ai4law2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/captum/log/", line 39, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/rik/data/pkg/miniconda3/envs/ai4law2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/captum/attr/_core/", line 288, in attribute
initial_eval: Union[Tensor, Future[Tensor]] = _run_forward(
File "/Users/rik/data/pkg/miniconda3/envs/ai4law2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/captum/_utils/", line 588, in _run_forward
output = forward_func(
File "/Users/rik/data/pkg/miniconda3/envs/ai4law2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/captum/attr/_core/", line 567, in _forward_func
model_inputs = self.model.prepare_inputs_for_generation(
File "/Users/rik/data/pkg/miniconda3/envs/ai4law2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/transformers/generation/", line 376, in prepare_inputs_for_generation
raise NotImplementedError(
Thanks for any suggestions!
I also posted this question here Discussion Forum