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release notes: devtools
release notes: devtools
Changes to dev tooling, for example the debugger & profiler
release notes: examples
release notes: examples
Changes to any of our example LLMs integrations, such as Llama3 and Llava
release notes: exir
release notes: exir
Changes to any dialects and passes on these dialects, such as memory planning
release notes: mediatek
release notes: mediatek
Changes to the Mediatek backend delegate
release notes: misc
release notes: misc
release notes: ops & kernels
release notes: ops & kernels
Changes to the opset and any new / changed kernel implementations
release notes: qualcomm
release notes: qualcomm
Changes to the Qualcomm backend delegate
release notes: quantization
release notes: quantization
Changes to quantization
release notes: runtime
release notes: runtime
Changes related to the core runtime which loads the program methods, initializes delegates, and runs
release notes: training
release notes: training
release notes: vulkan
release notes: vulkan
Changes to the Vulkan backend delegate
release notes: xnnpack
release notes: xnnpack
Changes to the XNNPack backend delegate
release tracker
release tracker
Request for comment and feedback on a post, proposal, etc.
topic: not user facing
topic: not user facing
triage review
triage review
Items require an triage review
This issue has been looked at a team member, and triaged and prioritized into an appropriate module
The issue doesn’t receive more information from the reporter for 14 consecutive days.
This will not be worked on