Color differences between CPU and GPU decoded frames #425
From @pjs102793's #424 (comment)
to generate sample video: ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc2=size=1920x1080:rate=30 -t 1 testsrc2.mp4
On main b0de666
import torch
from torchcodec.decoders import VideoDecoder
cpudec = VideoDecoder("/home/nicolashug/testsrc2.mp4", device="cpu")
gpudec = VideoDecoder("/home/nicolashug/testsrc2.mp4", device="cuda")
cpu_frames = cpudec[:]
gpu_frames = gpudec[:].cpu()
from torchvision.transforms.v2.functional import to_pil_image
from torchvision.utils import make_grid
for i, (cpu, gpu) in enumerate(zip(cpu_frames, gpu_frames)):
img = to_pil_image(make_grid([cpu, gpu], nrow=2))"/home/nicolashug/imgs/{i}.jpg")
torch.testing.assert_close(cpu_frames, gpu_frames.cpu())
We're getting pretty high atol differences:
AssertionError: Tensor-likes are not equal!
Mismatched elements: 165091589 / 186624000 (88.5%)
Greatest absolute difference: 48 at index (6, 0, 189, 236)
Greatest relative difference: inf at index (0, 2, 8, 4)
Looking at the decoded frames, they look very similar but the colors are a bit different. So it seems to be a color issue, not an indexing or seeking issue. Example frames (cpu left, gpu right):
Note that it's unlikely to be related or caused by #413, because I'm observing the exact same differences when reverting that commit.
Thanks again @pjs102793 for the initial report. Do you have any intuition on what might be causing those differences on this specific video? From what I understand, you didn't notice major difference either on other videos, right?
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