I built torchvision pulled from master using :
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=D:/Garage/onnx-deploy/libtorchd -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=D:/vision/Debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
cmake --build . --config Debug
cmake --install .
Then torch.jit.script(model)
and saved mask-rcnn model from torchvision.
Errors occured in my C++ project, firstly Unknown builtin op: torchvision::_new_empty_tensor_op
, then I modified my code according to #1407, added lines like #include "torchvision/nms.h"
and torch::RegisterOperators().op("torchvision::nms", &nms)
, but it won't work.
The error became unresolved external symbol "class at::Tensor __cdecl nms_cpu(class at::Tensor const &,class at::Tensor const &,float)" (?nms_cpu@@YA?AVTensor@at@@AEBV12@0M@Z)
The libtorch version is 1.5.0 and torchvision is pulled from master yesterday.
Any clue how I can get mask rcnn running? Similar issues are many but little to help, I really get confused about how to modify CMakeList.txt of TorchVision.
cc @peterjc123 @nbcsm @guyang3532 @maxluk @gunandrose4u @smartcat2010 @mszhanyi