Implementation of Align matrix is not supported by OpenQASM
I am trying to implement a delay gate, equivalent to the one from qiskit. Since in the documentation there is no delay gate, I thought Align could be used as it allows to add a delay as parameter function.
When trying to run a simple circuit with this gate:
from qibo import gates
from qibo.models import Circuit
from qiboconnection import API
api = API.login(username="insert_your_user_id", api_key="insert_your_api_key")
c = Circuit(1)
c.add(gates.Align(0, delay=int(1)))
job_id = api.execute(circuit=c, device_id=1)
result = api.get_job(job_id).result
the following errors appears:
[Qibo 0.2.8|ERROR|2024-10-08 12:35:57]: Align is not supported by OpenQASM
Is there any other way to implement the delay gate?
Thank you in advance