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GitHub Actions Access Token Server

This readme describes how to deploy a GitHub Actions Access Token Server.



Be aware that this server is a security sensitive application. It is important to secure the access token server properly and update dependencies regularly. Keep GitHub App credentials as secret as possible.

  1. Create a GitHub App
Click me
  • Create a new GitHub App (User Scope or Organizations Scope)
    • Fill out mandatory fields
    • Deactivate Webhook
    • Add Mandatory Repository permissions
      • Single file: Read-only
        • Add file path .github/access-token.yaml - for repository scoped token policy
          • Also add file path .github/access-token.yml
        • Add file path access-token.yaml - for owner scoped token policy
          • Also add file path access-token.yml
    • Choose permissions you want to allow to request
    • Hit Create GitHub App button
    • Take a note of App ID
    • Scroll down to Private keys section and click Generate a private key button
      • private key (.pem file) will be downloaded to your machine automatically
  1. Create an Owner Access Token Policy Repository


Ensure that this repository is present before installing the GitHub App Otherwise someone else could create this repo and effectively take over the owner access token policy configuration.

Click me
  • Create a new private repository named .github-access-token
  • Ensure only owner admins have access to this repository
    • Create owner access-token.yaml file at root of the repository with this template content
    • And adjust the access policy to your liking
  1. Install GitHub App for Target Repository


By installing the access token GitHub App everybody with write assess to .github/access-token.yaml can grant repository access permissions to GitHub Actions workflow runs.


For organizations on GitHub Enterprise plans it is possible to restrict write access to .github/access-token.yaml to repository admins only by using a push ruleset

  • Create a new push ruleset
  • Set Ruleset Name to Protect access token policy
  • Set Enforcement status to Active
  • Hit Add bypass, select Repository admin and hit Add selected
  • Set Target repositories to All repositories
  • Enable Restrict file paths
    • Click Add file path, set File path to .github/access-token.yaml and hit Add file path
      • Also add file path .github/access-token.yml
  • Hit Create button
Click me
  • Go to GitHub Apps (User Scope or Organizations Scope)
  • Hit Edit button of your access token app
  • Navigate to Install App
  • Hit Install button of an account to install your access token app for
  • Choose All repositories or Only select repositories
  • Hit Install button
  1. Create a GitHub Actions Workflow

Deploy Server

Docker Container

Click me
  1. Build Docker Image

    npm run build:docker-container
  2. Run Docker Container

    docker run --rm
     -p 3000:3000 \
    • Optional environment variables
        • A comma separated list of allowed subject patterns e.g. repo:octocat/*
        • If not set or empty all subjects are allowed
  3. Adjust actions config api.url to docker host


Click me
  1. Fork this repository

  2. Create a Vercel App for your fork

    • Login to your Vercel Account
    • Add New... > Project
    • Import your forked repository
    • Edit Root Directory to server/deployments/vercel
    • Set environment variables
        • A comma separated list of allowed subject patterns e.g. repo:octocat/*
        • If not set or empty all subjects are allowed
    • Hit Deploy button
    • Go to project Settings > Domains
      • optional adjust production domain to your liking
    • Take a note of Production domain
    • Set function environment variable GITHUB_ACTIONS_TOKEN_ALLOWED_AUDIENCE to vercel project Production domain
  3. Adjust actions config api.url to vercel project Production domain

AWS Lambda


This deployment will add extra layer of security by using IAM authenticator in front of the AWS Lambda, therefore the endpoint is secured by AWS identity and access management. All requests to the server are signed with AWS Signature Version 4.

Click me
  1. Fork this repository

  2. Deploy Cloudformation Stack

    • Adjust GITHUB_ACTIONS_TOKEN_ALLOWED_SUBJECTS in app-stack.ts to add additional layer of security by defining an ACL of subject patterns.
      • e.g. repo:octocat/* will allow only repositories of octocat owner to request access tokens
    • cd deployments/aws/infrastructure
      cdk deploy
    • Take a note of the cdk outputs
    • Login to your AWS account web console
    • Edit the GitHubAppSecret from cdk output
    • Set GITHUB_APP_ID and GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY accordingly to your GitHub App
  3. Adjust actions config to cdk outputs as follows

    export const config: Config = {
        api: {
            url: new URL('[cdk.output.ApiUrl]'),
            auth: {
                aws: {
                    roleArn: '[cdk.output.ApiRoleArn]',
                    region: '[cdk.output.ApiRegion]',
                    service: 'lambda',


Click me
  1. Fork this repository

  2. TODO


Start Server

  npm start


  • extract policy and permission evaluation to separate lib file

  • ownerAccessPolicy

    • statements[].repositories
      • variable ${subject.repository} e.g. repositories: [ "${subject.repo}" ]
  • Verify repository policy with action run