What happened?
Im using the dialog plugin to display dialog from bottom up. If the dialog less high than the softkeyboard and there is a input with autofocus true implemented, then on ios the softwarekeyboard will overlay the input field. Without autofocus the dialog opens and i click in the input and the keyboard slides below the input like expected.
What did you expect to happen?
I expected the same functionality on web or on android, where the keyboard dont overlay the input field/dialog when autofocus is true.
Reproduction URL
How to reproduce?
(iOS only)
- Code: Autofocus true, Dialog smaller than keyboard
- Open Dialog
- Keyboard overlay dialog
Quasar CLI with Vite (@quasar/cli | @quasar/app-vite)
Capacitor Mode
Quasar info output
Operating System - Linux(6.8.0-45-generic) - linux/x64
NodeJs - 18.18
Global packages
NPM - 8.19.4
yarn - Not installed
@quasar/cli - 2.3.0
@quasar/icongenie - 3.1.1
cordova - Not installed
Important local packages
quasar - 2.16.6 -- Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces (SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop) in record time
@quasar/app-vite - 1.9.3 -- Quasar Framework App CLI with Vite
@quasar/extras - 1.16.12 -- Quasar Framework fonts, icons and animations
eslint-plugin-quasar - Not installed
vue - 3.4.32 -- The progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI.
vue-router - 4.2.5
pinia - 2.1.7 -- Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue
vuex - Not installed
vite - 2.9.16 -- Native-ESM powered web dev build tool
eslint - 8.52.0 -- An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript.
electron - Not installed
electron-packager - Not installed
@electron/packager - Not installed
electron-builder - Not installed
register-service-worker - 1.7.2 -- Script for registering service worker, with hooks
@capacitor/core - 6.1.0 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web
@capacitor/cli - 6.1.0 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web
@capacitor/android - 6.1.0 -- Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web
@capacitor/ios - Not installed
Quasar App Extensions
*None installed*
Host - XX
enp42s0 - 192.168.188.XX
Relevant log output
No response
Additional context
No response