I execute qunit like so:
$(NODE_MODULES)/qunit \
--cov \
--timeout 60000 \
-d Random:$(BOWER_COMPONENTS)/random/lib/random.js \
-c Prob:dist/prob-min.js \
-t tests/*-tests.js
I have two files that match "tests/*-tests.js", "tests/prob-tests.js tests/import-tests.js".
I noticed when I added the 2nd file my tests started to run a lot quicker. I figured out that coverage was not being run on whichever test file was first, and only on the 2nd one. I can observe this due to the speed the test executes as (as coverage slows down the execute of tests/prob-tests.js a lot), in addition the lcov-report clearly seems to only show coverage from the 2nd test.
I noticed this on my project.