Problem Description
Define and correct some utility functions to get the mean photon number and coherence for bosonic systems.
In arithmetic_and_attributes.jl there is already a defined function to get the coherence for a quantum state. However, the current implementation is only valid for single systems. For composite systems the function computes an annihilation operator which is the product over all the dimensions, such definition is not correct as the total annihilation operator should be the kronecker product of a
in each subsysems.
Proposed Solution
Here are some functions I use to calculate the mean photon number without the need to construct the operator. This is particularly faster for density matrix as you can skip the matrix product.
function mpn(ρ::QuantumObject{T,OperatorKetQuantumObject}) where {T}
if length(ρ.dims) > 1
throw(ArgumentError("Mean photon number not implemented for composite OPeratorKetQuantumObject"))
r = ρ.dims[1]
return real(sum(ρ[(k-1)*r+k] * (k - 1) for k in 1:r))
function mpn(ψ::QuantumObject{T,KetQuantumObject}) where {T}
if length(ψ.dims) == 1
return real(mapreduce(k -> abs(ψ[k])^2 * (k - 1), +, 1:ρ.dims[1]))
R = CartesianIndices((ψ.dims...,))
off = circshift(ψ.dims, 1)
off[end] = 1
x = 0.0im
for j in R
J = sum((Tuple(j) .- 1) .* off) + 1
x += abs(ψ[J])^2 * prod(Tuple(j) .- 1)
return real(x)
function mpn(ρ::QuantumObject{T,OperatorQuantumObject}) where {T}
if length(ρ.dims) == 1
return real(mapreduce(k -> abs(ρ[k, k]) * (k - 1), +, 1:ρ.dims[1]))
R = CartesianIndices((ρ.dims...,))
off = circshift(ψ.dims, 1)
off[end] = 1
J = 1
x = 0.0im
for j in R
# convert the cartesian index j into an array index J
J = sum((Tuple(j) .- 1) .* off) + 1
x += ρ[J, J] * prod(Tuple(j) .- 1)
return real(x)
In the case of the get_coherent
functions I would propose to divide into two functions: get_coherence
which returns expect(a, *)
and remove_coherence
which returns the state with D' * ψ
function get_coherence(ψ::QuantumObject{<:AbstractArray,KetQuantumObject,1})
return mapreduce(n -> sqrt(n-1) * ψ.data[n] * conj(ψ.data[n-1]), +, 2:ψ.dims[1])
function get_coherence(ρ::QuantumObject{T,OperatorQuantumObject,1})
return mapreduce(n -> sqrt(n-1) * ρ.data[n, n-1], +, 2:ψ.dims[1])
function remove_coherence(ψ::QuantumObject{<:AbstractArray,KetQuantumObject})
α = get_coherence(ψ)
a = mapreduce(dim -> destroy(dim), kron, ψ.dims)
D = exp(α * a' - conj(α) * a)
return D' * ρ * D
Similarly to the mpn
functions I proposed, get_coherence
can also be extended to multiple subsystems.
Alternate Solutions
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