I would like to use multiple instances of Rack::Attack in the same Rack stack, but in different places. Each one of these would accept it's own throttles, blacklists etc. Judging from the code, I assumed I could do
class MyThrottle < Rack::Attack
throttle(...) do |req|
It turned out, however, that the method performing the throttling still reaches into the attribute reader of the superclass, and thus finds throttles defined on the parent instance. I think the same is the case for blacklisting and whitelisting, but I don't necessarily need them in this specific application. I was only able to make throttles work in a subclass by doing
class MyThrottle < Rack::Attack
def throttled?(req)
self.class.throttles.any? do |name, throttle|
This stems from the fact that some smart machinery is involved in making the configuration available on the class level. I think that it might make more sense if the same configuration could be applied with, say, options (since block handling with middleware attachment is not that well understood):
my_attack_config = do |c|
c.throttle(...) do |req| # etc
use Rack::Attack, config: my_attack_config
So I think there was some thought given to separating the various classes' configurations within one Ruby process, but this was not really tested. You could in theory alter the throttled?
etc. methods to call into the right class for the variables and consider this a bug, but maybe the API can just be improved and handle this explicitly?