[Progress] MiniPlayer Work #16
This is my first time playing around with electron and i wanted to see what i could do with the Mini player.
So with having the idea of "porting" the OS X stylization to electron i found that a lot is very possible;
For one adding the arrow (just like the Popview in OS X / Objective-C on the menubar) with the album art.
Now there is a few things that could be done with border styling but with that there isn't a way for such to have the image "draw In" just like
[backgroundImage drawInRect:[self bounds] fromRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, backgroundImage.size.width, backgroundImage.size.height) operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0];
So with the power of clips within css i got it working perfectly (I made a custom arrow in Illustrator and rendered it svg "clipart") i did however changed a couple of things to get it working for instance
miniplayer.setPosition(position.x, position.y);
Although it's positioned, the window doesn't get centered correctly with the trayIcon instead i used the trayPosition (in this case i changed it to bounds)
miniplayer.setPosition(parseInt(bounds.x - (Param.Width / 2) + (bounds.width / 2)), bounds.y + Param.Arrow + 10);
(Param is a Param object with Height,Width,Arrow ints)
and some HTML//CSS/JS minor work (and fixes with the setupGMusic / gpmIPCInterface.on event)
As of now it doesn't look like much but since i only just started i do plan on fixing up the CSS and such for the Mini Player to help progress things.
Figured i have this open for progress and for anyone else's input.
Let me know what you guys think.