Expected behavior vs actual behavior
I use assert_serializer helper to unit test but it cannot work on each_serailizer. Expect to have a way test each_serializer.
Steps to reproduce
(e.g., detailed walkthrough, runnable script, example application)
ActiveModelSerializers Version (commit ref if not on tag): 0.10.2
Output of ruby -e "puts RUBY_DESCRIPTION"
: ruby 2.2.1p85 (2015-02-26 revision 49769) [x86_64-darwin14]
OS Type & Version: MacOS 10.12.1
Integrated application and version (e.g., Rails, Grape, etc): rails 4.2.5
(e.g., provide any applicable backtraces from your application)
Additonal helpful information
(e.g., Gemfile.lock, configurations, PR containing a failing test, git bisect results)