Releases: rainbow-me/rainbow
Releases · rainbow-me/rainbow
- Added rc-push script for release tracking and cleanup (#6088)
- Built the react query for addys claimables endpoint along with wallet screen UI (#6071)
- Swaps performance improvements (#6050)
- Improved CI jobs for build and tests for Tophat (#6043, #6089)
- Removed some test env for some vars that aren’t needed anymore (#6077)
- userAssetsStore refactor (#6015)
- Bumped swaps sdk to 0.26 (#6098)
- Final implementation for network to chainId migration (#6039)
- Fixed swaps spec in e2e so that all assets balances will update correctly (#6060)
- Fixed an issue with charts where it was using USD for points instead of user’s selected currency (#6051)
- Fixed an issue on Android nav bar where it was covered by the systems navigation bar (#6053)
- Fixed e2e flakiness (#6084, #6090)
- Fixed an issue with opacity on mwp sign txn sheet (#6083)
- Fixed a crash that happened when searching input token in swaps (#6104)
- Fixed and issue with degen native asset address, degen ↔ wdegen (#6087, #6091)
- Fixed a crash on token details chart for cannot read property ‘y’ of undefined (#6009)
- Fixed issues with remote promo sheets (#6085)
- Fixed a bug on iOS 18 which caused context menu dismissals (#6112)
- Fixed a crash that was happening on send flow (#6116)
- Fixed a bug where the paste button was disabled on swaps flow for android devices (#6118)
- Fixed an issue where deleting a contact would cause loading issues on send flow (#6119)
- Fixed a bug where chainId wasn’t being passed in the dapp browser (#6121)
- Implement NFTs v2 Arc endpoint (#5973)
- Added mutation and queries needed for spindl integration (#6031)
- Added translations for degen mode and popular in rainbow (#6020)
- Added featured results to the dapp browser trending dapps section on the discover screen (#6046, #6049)
- Implemented perceived finality where a pending transaction is detected and confirmed, we are flagging the affected assets’ addresses and refetching updated user assets balances from BE (#6037)
- Implemented Mobile Wallet Protocol (#6061)
- Added ability to hide collectibles section (#6073)
- Use chainId instead of network parts 1 and 2 (#5981, #5997)
- Shortened popular tokens list from 6 to 3 (#6028)
- Removed old logger and cleaned up logging (#6021)
- Added support for navigating to swap settings as a route (#6036)
- Upgraded some packages to the latest version (#6040)
- Cleaned up e2e on Android (#5970)
- Bumped WC and did some refactoring (#6047, #6064)
- Bumped webpack from 5.90.3 to 5.94.0 (#6048)
- Bumped fastlane (#6062)
- Fixed an issue on android where a user couldn’t access dexscreener in the dapp browser (#6003)
- Fixed Dapp Browser webview height on Android devices (#6004)
- Fixed Android button navigation colors (#6005)
- Fixed TokenToBuyList line break in search results when favoriting a token (#6002)
- Fixed a bug where the terminal UI for ETH rewards was missing (#6007)
- Fixed a bug where a user’s favorites wouldn’t migrate after updating app (#6029)
- Fixed an issue where we were not able to build android locally (#6027)
- Fixed a sentry error boundary crash where users would see the oops something went wrong message (#6044)
- Fixed an issue when certain sites won’t load if using the http prefix (#6054)
- Fixed an issue on ERC20 sends that would show contract address instead of recipient address (#6052)
- Fixed some crashes on PFP button, and send flow (#6063)
- Fixed a bug where WC was not confirming transactions (#6074)
- Fixed a bug where attempting to send an ENS caused a crash (#6075)
- Fixed a discrepancy where gas on l2s were showing higher in send flow than in swaps flow (#6076)
- Fixed a wrong ID being used for spindl integration (#6078)
- Added translations for swaps v2, gas, backups and ETH rewards (#5980)
- Added a popular tokens section in swaps token search list (#5990)
- Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 (#5965)
- Convert App.js => App.tsx (#5792)
- No longer have the restricted codeowners for reviews (#5991)
- Changed the trending Dapps section to backend endpoint (#5974)
- The default swap input currency is now the network with the most ETH (#5994)
- Design system improvements (#5984)
- Dapp browser improvements (#5978)
- Updated swaps SDK (#5996)
- Changed the fee domination from USD to actual payment token (#6000)
- Sentry bot resilience updates (#5995)
- Added the ability to copy/paste swap inputs (#5938)
- Added tracking of critical errors to sentry (#5936)
- Added ability to open in Rainbow from mobile browsers (#5939)
- Added Degen mode to skip review sheet for swaps (#5933, #5963, #5969)
- Added ability to set max on a balance when tapping on badge (#5947)
- Added e2e coverage for manual wallet backups (#5913)
- Added a hold to swap button on swaps flow (#5920, #5976)
- Added a new section that shows the last three user swaps per chain (#5956)
- Added performance tracking on TimeToSign (#5962)
- Disabled location APIs in VisionCamera since we don’t use location features (#5942)
- Removed FULL_SCREEN_INTENT permission from the manifest (#5955)
- App is now using different referrer for ETH rewards claims (#5954)
- Bumped Android dependencies (#5960)
- Updated Degen mode copy and enabled tracking (#5979)
- Fixed a crash on explainer sheet when there wasn’t a read more link (#5945)
- Fixed a bug where some bridges couldn’t be made due to gas (#5949)
- Fixed bugs around flipping logic in swap flow (#5948)
- Fixed issue where there would be a tab swipe from dapp browser on Android devices (#5964)
- Fixed a bug where one could proceed to review on a swap when they shouldn’t (#5967)
- Fixed favorites bugs on search list (#5972)
- Fixed bugs around copy and pasting (#5953)
- Fixed an old route that led to Swaps v1 (#5971)
- Fixed a bug that showed an empty space on token to buy list (#5983, #5989)
- Fixed issues when saving assets as favorites (#5972, #5982)
- Updated audit issues for CI fixes (#5929)
- Improved decimal formatter functions (#5918)
- Simplified SwapInputController animated reaction logic for responding to input value changes (#5923)
- Updated the swap warning to be a derived value instead of an animated reaction (#5930)
- Cleaned up swapInputsController that had repeated logic around niceIncrementFormatter (#5931)
- Upgraded react-native-gesture-handler to v2.17.1 (#5925)
- Upgraded RN to v0.74.3 and bumped outdated packages (#5739)