So far, we have created a "language" which recognizes three types of expressions: integer, string and Boolean. Our source consists of one or more lines, where each line contains exactly one of these expressions. The application we compile simply shows the results of these expressions on the screen. It is now time to expand our "language" to do more.
Computer programming languages can be classified by paradigms. The programming paradigm that most of us are familiar with is called imperative. Imperative programming languages consist of instructions (also called commands or statements) which are given in order, and are expected to be carried out in the same order. Each statement affects the state of the underlying machine, such that each command can depend on the results of previous commands. For example, if a statement sets the value of a variable, subsequent statements can depend on the value remaining set.
Within the imperative paradigm, there is a more focussed paradigm called structured programming. Structured programming languages aim to make improve program clarity and quality by organizing of structuring groups of instructions using blocks, and controlling their order of execution using control flow constructs such as _selection (if/then/else) and iteration (while, repeat, for).
Languages can be further classified into even more focused paradigms such procedural and object oriented. Also, there is an entire other tree of non-imperative paradigms, starting with declarative programming, and specializing further into functional programming, logic programming and so on. But let's not get into that discussion now.
Most people are used to the imperative paradigm, and more specifically structured programming. Thus, our language (called SIC, remember?) will also be a structured, imperative one.
Any imperative language consists of statements, which are instructions understood by that language. These instructions cause some kind of action to occur. There are usually three kinds of statements defined by common languages:
- Expression statements. These simply cause an expression to be evaluated. Nothing happens with the final value per se, unless the language defines some action as part of expression evaluation. Many languages use this kind of statement to perform assignment of values to variables, and to handle operators such as ++ and --, which change the value of the variable they are applied to. Currently, this is the only kind of statement our compiler understands.
- Simple statements. These usually consist of a single instruction combined with data in the form of expressions. The instruction causes some kind of action to be performed on or with the data. Examples are the
statement of BASIC, which causes the expression after it to be displayed on screen, or theLET
statement, which expects a variable, followed by an assignment operator,followed by an expression, and assigns the value of the expression to the variable. The last example shows that a language can consider expression statements to be a special case of simple statement. - Compound statements. These are a group of simple statements, or a combination of simple and compound statements. A common term for compound statements is block. A block is useful when a set of statements have to be executed as a sequential whole, perhaps when some condition is met. In a way, a complete program is nothing but a block.
All three (or two, if you consider expression statements as a special case of simple statement) kinds of statements have a defined beginning and end. The beginning is straightforward; a statement begins when the one before it ends. What about the end?
Different languages take different approaches. The two most common approaches are:
The end of the line is the end of the statement. When the scanner meets a carriage return/line feed, the line and the statement are supposed to have ended.
A special end-of-statement symbol, usually the semicolon (;), is used. Thus, a statement can span multiple physical lines.
Modern compilers are clever enough to go a step further: a statement itself decides when it ends, which could well be several physical lines after it began.
What about compound statements? Once again, there are two common approaches:
Some kind of block begin and block end symbols, such as the (hated – by me and others) "curly brackets"
, or the wordsBEGIN
. -
"Block instructions", which are instructions which can cause a block of statements to be executed. These instructions usually have a matching "end" instruction to indicate the end of the block. Examples are the
If-End If
andWhile-End While
pairs of the Basic language.
These days, some languages (notably Python) use indentation for block structuring. A block begins with block instruction, but all other instructions in the block are indented further than the starting one.
To keep matters Basically simple (yes, that was a lame pun), I hereby declare that:
- SIC statements will terminate at the end of each line.
- Sic will use matched instruction-end instruction pairs for blocks.
Our goal in this chapter is to extend our compiler to understand simple and compound statements. We will no longer simply evaluate expressions, but only do so if the statement requires it. Thus, we are not going to use pure expression statements (as of now).
To begin with, we will compile two examples of simple statements, and one example of a compound statement. The statements we will compile are:
Statement | What it does |
Print |
This statement will do what we have been doing all along; it will print expressions on screen. It will expect an expression after itself, and print the value of that expression. |
This statement will ignore the rest of the line after itself. |
Comment ...End Comment |
This pair of instructions will demonstrate compound statements. All lines between a Comment statement and its matching End Comment will be ignored by the compiler. |
To keep things Basically simple (yes, yes), these statements will be case-insensitive. For example, Print
can be written as print
or even pRiNt
As always, we will approach the problem one step at a time. We will begin by introducing the concept of simple statements to our parser. Once done, we will move on to compound statements.
How does a statement compile down into CIL? Well, most statements will not have any direct CIL equivalents: they will compile down to a series of CIL instructions. The Print
statement, for example, will compile to a series of CIL instructions which evaluate its expression, and then call the WriteLine
appropriate to the expression's type.
Sounds like we got all the CodeGen-level plumbing ready, right? So, on to scanning and parsing.
What does a statement look like? Usually it is a word, in English or an approximation thereof, that is not decorated by any delimiters. We don't have a scanner method which can read that yet, so let's create one. Our scanner method (and associated recognizer method) will read a new kind of token called a name. We will use names as statements, and also for some more purposes. So, let us define some rules for names.
- Names may consist of letters, digits and the underscore (_) character.
- Names must begin with a letter or an underscore, and NOT with a digit. Can anyone guess why most languages do not allow names starting with digits?
- Names are NOT case-sensitive.
Here's the BNF:
<name> ::= <namestartcharacter><namecharacter>+
<namestartcharacter> ::= <letter>|"_"
<namecharacter> ::= <letter>|<digit>|"_"
<letter> ::= ? a letter in any language ?
<digit> ::= "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"
Given these rules, we can create a scanner method for names pretty easily. Add the following to the appropriate parts of Parser.vb
Private Function IsNameCharacter(ByVal c As Char) As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean = False
If Char.IsDigit(c) AndAlso _
TokenLength > 0 Then
' Digits allowed after start of name
result = True
ElseIf c.Equals("_"c) Then
result = True
ElseIf Char.IsLetter(c) Then
result = True
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Sub ScanName()
m_CurrentTokenBldr = New StringBuilder
Do While IsNameCharacter(LookAhead)
m_CharPos += 1
If EndOfLine Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
What about a parser method? Names will be used for different purposes in different contexts. So, we won't write a ParseName
method. Instead, we will call ScanName
as appropriate from various parse methods.
But before that, we need to reorganize a bit. Our Parser.vb file is getting rather large (900+ lines). And as we start adding more functionality, it will get harder to keep track of what is what. So let's see what we can do about it.
Unfortunately, we decided early on to keep scanning and parsing tightly coupled in our single Parser class. This certainly makes it easy to explain concepts, but makes it very hard to split functionality cleanly. We won't change that decision now. Instead, we will use the partial class feature of Visual Basic to split the code for our Parser class across multiple files.
To start with, change the declaration of the Parser class, in Parser.vb, as follows:
Public Partial Class Parser
Next, create a new file called Commands.vb. Put the following code in it:
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Partial Class Parser
#Region "Fields"
Private Delegate Function CommandParser() As ParseStatus
Private m_commandTable As Dictionary(Of String, CommandParser)
#End Region
#Region "Helper Functions"
Private Sub AddCommand( _
commandName As String, _
commandParser As CommandParser _
m_commandTable.Add( _
commandName.ToLowerInvariant(), _
commandParser _
End Sub
Private Function IsValidCommand(commandName As String) As Boolean
Return m_commandTable.ContainsKey(commandName.ToLowerInvariant())
End Function
Private Sub InitCommands()
m_commandTable = New Dictionary(Of String, CommandParser)
' Add commands here
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Commands"
#End Region
End Class
We will put the parser functions for statements in this file. We use the word 'command' as a synonym for 'statement' from this point forward.
Finally, rename ParseStatus.vb to Utilities.vb. We will need some more "utility" classes shortly - let's keep them all in one code file.
The introduction of statements, or commands as we will call them from now on, changes how our parser works at the line level itself. So far, a line meant an expression. Now, a line means a command.
Any command is basically a name. Once a name has been scanned, we can look it up against a list of valid commands. If there is a match, we can call a dedicated parser method for that command. If there is no match, we return an error.
Let's talk about implementing the Print
command discussed above, which expects an expression and prints it. We already know how to parse an expression and print it, so writing the parser method should be simple.
command is even simpler. It ignores everything after it on a line, so the parser method would have to simply skip the rest of the line, and return a successful parse status.
In both cases, we would have to add the command name to the list of valid commands.
Here's the BNF:
<line> ::= <command>
<command> ::= <remcommand>|<printcommand>
<remcommand> ::= "rem" <restofline>
<restofline> ::= ? Anything. ?
<printcommand> ::= "print" <expression>
We have put some boilerplate code in Commands.vb that will take care of maintaining a list of valid commands, and validating against it. Using it, we can translate the BNF easily. Let's go bottom up. First, the parser method for the Print
command. Add it to the "Commands" region in Commands.vb.
Private Function ParsePrintCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
result = ParseExpression()
If result.code = 0 Then
If m_LastTypeProcessed.Equals( _
Type.GetType("System.Int32") _
) Then
ElseIf m_LastTypeProcessed.Equals( _
Type.GetType("System.String") _
) Then
ElseIf m_LastTypeProcessed.Equals( _
Type.GetType("System.Boolean") _
) Then
End If
If Not EndOfLine Then
result = CreateError(1, "end of statement.")
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
As you can see, this is essentially the old ParseLine
method. Now, the REM
command. Put it in the same place.
Private Function ParseRemCommand() As ParseStatus
' Ignore the rest of the line
m_CharPos = m_LineLength
Return CreateError(0, "Ok")
End Function
This simply moves the scanner to the end of the line.
Next, we need to add these to the list of valid commands. In Commands.vb, we have put a method called InitCommands
. At the end of that method, in the space marked by a comment, add the following two lines:
AddCommand("print", AddressOf ParsePrintCommand)
AddCommand("rem", AddressOf ParseRemCommand)
Now, who calls these? According to the BNF, we need a parser method for <command>
. Add the following to Parser.vb. This, the top level of command parsing, we will retain there.
Private Function ParseCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If TokenLength = 0 Then
result = CreateError(1, "a valid command")
Dim commandname As String = CurrentToken.ToLower()
If Not IsValidCommand(commandname) Then
result = CreateError(1, "a valid command")
Dim parser as CommandParser = _
result = parser()
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
Notice how ParseCommand
expects a command in CurrentToken
. This means someone should have called the appropriate scanner method before calling ParseCommand
. As per the BNF above, this should be the Line parser.
As in just about every chapter, we once again have to modify ParseLine
. Here's the new definition. Replace it in Parser.vb.
Private Function ParseLine() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
m_LastTypeProcessed = Nothing
If Not EndOfLine() Then
result = ParseCommand()
result = CreateError(0, "Ok")
End If
Return result
End Function
We also take this opportunity to make a small addition: an empty line is syntactically valid. And that is that.
Finally, we need to call the InitCommands
method, which sets up the valid command table, from somewhere. We will call it from the constructor of the Parser class. Make the change in Parser.vb.
Public Sub New( _
ByVal newStream As TextReader, _
ByVal newGen As CodeGen _
m_InputStream = newStream
m_Gen = newGen
End Sub
Time to compile. We have made changes to the cradle, so the process is a little different this time. You may want to review the instructions in the Development Environment chapter.
Compile with:
vbc /out:sicc.exe Compiler.vb Parser.vb Commands.vb CodeGen.vb Utilities.vb
Run using:
Note that we are no longer calling our compiler executable Compiler.exe. Since we have finally started to define the SIC language proper, we will call it sicc.exe (for SIC Compiler) from now on.
Test it with the following code:
REM This is a simple program
Print "Hello, World"
Print 2+4/2-1
Print 2=2 And 4=1
It should work as expected. If we make a mistake, our compiler will point it out.
Now that the basic framework for simple statements is in place, we can start thinking of compound statements.
As discussed earlier, compound statements are simply a set of simple statements, which need to be considered together as a whole. For example, we want to execute one set of statements if a condition is true, and another set if it isn't. Compound statements are also called blocks, and that is the term we will use hereafter.
As we decided earlier, a block will begin when a "block instruction" (which is a command which requires a block following it) is encountered, and will end when a matching "end instruction" is encountered. Blocks can be nested, that is, one block can contain another block.
To begin with, we will write some utility code for working with blocks. Add the following new classes to Utilities.vb.
Public Class Block
Private m_Blocktype As String
Private m_StartPoint As Integer
Private m_EndPoint As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property BlockType() As String
Return m_Blocktype
End Get
End Property
Public Property StartPoint() As Integer
Return m_StartPoint
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
m_StartPoint = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EndPoint() As Integer
Return m_EndPoint
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
m_EndPoint = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Function IsOfType( _
blocktype as String _
) As Boolean
Return m_Blocktype = _
End Function
Public Sub New(ByVal blocktype As String, _
ByVal startpoint As Integer, _
ByVal endpoint As Integer)
m_Blocktype = blocktype.ToLowerInvariant()
m_StartPoint = startpoint
m_EndPoint = endpoint
End Sub
End Class
Public Class BlockStack
Private m_stack As New Stack(Of Block)
Public Sub Push(block as Block)
End Sub
Public Function Pop() As Block
Return m_stack.Pop()
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property IsEmpty() As Boolean
Return m_stack.Count = 0
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentBlock() As Block
Return If(IsEmpty, Nothing, m_stack.Peek())
End Get
End Property
Public Function GetClosestOuterBlock( _
blocktype As String _
) As Block
Dim block As Block
Dim result As Block = Nothing
For Each block In m_stack
If block.IsOfType(blocktype) Then
result = block
Exit For
End If
Return result
End Function
End Class
The class called Block
will represent a single block, specifying its type (such as IF, FOR
or COMMENT), and its start and end points. We will cover start and end points two chapters down the line.
The class called BlockStack
is simply a collection of blocks. As the "stack" in the name suggests, this collection is "last in, first out". As we add a block to the stack, it becomes the topmost or "current" block. We also provide a method to find the "closest outer" block of a given type. For example, while inside a FOR block, we can find the last IF block. The search starts from the most recently added block, and goes backwards. This method will be used in later chapters.
Now, how do we actually parse a block - any block? A block is just a sequence of zero or more lines. In BNF, we can write than as:
<block> ::= <line>*
Since we already know how to parse lines, parsing a block should be easy. But beyond just the line parsing, we need to keep track of which block we are parsing, and whether it is inside another block. Let's do all that now. Type the following in Parser.vb, in the appropriate sections.
' Block stack
Private m_BlockStack As New BlockStack
Private Function ParseBlock(ByVal newblock As Block) _
As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
result = CreateError(0, "Ok.")
Do While ScanLine()
result = ParseLine()
If result.Code <> 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
' Block will end when the result code returned
' is -1
If result.Code = -1 Then
result = CreateError(0, "Ok")
End If
Return result
End Function
The ParseBlock
method scans one line at a time from the input stream, and calls ParseLine
to process it. This is exactly what our top-level Parse
method currently does. But we do two extra things here.
One, right at the start of parsing a block, we push the newly started Block object onto the block stack.
Two: notice the check for a ParseStatus
code of -1? We haven't seen that before. We are hereby mandating that all "end-block" statements will return a special ParseStatus code value of –1, which indicates the ending of a block. The return code of –1 is not an error, so we "swallow" it, and remove the current block from the block stack.
We are now ready for dealing with blocks of all kinds. Whenever we want to start a block, we will create a Block
object and call ParseBlock
. Whenever we want to end one, we will return a ParseStatus
with code -1.
The very first block instruction that we will implement is rather special. The Comment
command will start the block, and the End Comment
command will finish it. In between, any number of lines may be read, but they should not be parsed unless they start with the End command.
This means that the implementation will affect how we parse all commands; in other words, we need to modify the ParseCommand
Add the following to Commands.vb, in the appropriate regions.
Private m_inCommentBlock As Boolean = False
Private Function ParseCommentCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If Not EndOfLine Then
result = CreateError(1, "end of statement")
Dim newblock As Block
Dim oldcommentstate As Boolean
newblock = New Block("comment", -1, -1)
oldcommentstate = m_inCommentBlock
m_inCommentBlock = True
result = ParseBlock(newblock)
m_inCommentBlock = oldcommentstate
End If
Return result
End Function
The parser for the Comment
command checks that line contains nothing other than the <name>
"Comment". If so, it starts a new block of type "comment", sets a parser-level flag called m_inCommentBlock
to True
, and and calls ParseBlock
to process it.
Notice how we are storing the current value of the flag before calling ParseBlock
, and restoring it after ParseBlock
returns. Can you guess why we are doing this?
Next, add the following to Commands.vb.
Private Function ParseEndCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
Dim block As Block = m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock
' We should be in a block when the End command
' is encountered.
If Not block Is Nothing Then
' The token after the End command should
' match the current block type
If block.IsOfType(CurrentToken) Then
result = CreateError(-1, "")
' Unless we are inside a comment block
If m_inCommentBlock Then
result = CreateError(0, "Ok")
result = CreateError(1, block.BlockType)
End If
End If
result = CreateError(2, "Not inside a block")
End If
Return result
End Function
Look carefully. This is not the parser for the End Comment
command. Instead, this is a parser for the End
command, which can end all kinds of blocks.
The End
command is only valid if a block has already begun; in other works, the block stack has a current block. Furthermore, the token following it (such as Comment
), should match the current block type. If it does, the block is legitimately finished, so we return a ParseStatus
with a value of -1. If it doesn't, the end command is invalid, unless we are inside a comment block.
Notice that the End
command parser calls CreateError
with two new values: -1 for block end and 2 for the new "Not in block" error. Let's modify CreateError
to take care of those. Make the change in Parser.vb.
Private Function CreateError( _
ByVal errorcode As Integer, _
ByVal errorDescription As String _
) As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
Dim message As String
Select Case errorcode
Case -1 ' Block finished
message = ""
Case 0 ' All good
message = "Ok."
Case 1 ' Expected something
message = String.Format( _
"Expected {0}", _
errorDescription _
Case 2 ' Not in block
message = errorDescription
Case Else
message = "Unknown error."
End Select
result = New ParseStatus(errorcode, _
message, _
m_CharPos + 1, _
Return result
End Function
I don't like using magic numbers like -1, 1 and 2. We really should replace those with constants or an Enum. We will re-visit CreateError
shortly, and clean up. For now, let's proceed.
All that remains is to add our Comment
and End
parsers to the list of valid commands, and ensure that they get called by the top-level ParseCommand
method. The first part is easy. In Commands.vb, at the end of the InitCommands
method, in the space marked by a comment, add the following two lines:
AddCommand("comment", AddressOf ParseCommentCommand)
AddCommand("end", AddressOf ParseEndCommand)
For any commands other than these two, this would have been enough. However, these two deserve special treatment, as they start and end a comment block. Since every line is supposed to start with a command, ParseCommand will get called for every line, and check if a command is valid. If we are inside a comment block, then the only command that ParseCommand should be looking for is the "End" command. Everything else should just be parsed as valid. This will save us the trouble of checking if we are inside a comment block in every command separately.
So, let's re-write ParseCommand
to take care of this. Make the change in Parser.vb.
Private Function ParseCommand() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
If TokenLength = 0 Then
result = CreateError(1, "a valid command")
Dim commandname As String = _
If commandname = "comment" Then
result = ParseCommentCommand()
ElseIf commandname = "end"
result = ParseEndCommand()
ElseIf m_inCommentBlock Then
' Ignore rest of line
m_CharPos = m_LineLength
' All is good in a comment block
result = CreateError(0, "Ok")
If IsValidCommand(commandname) Then
Dim parser as CommandParser = _
result = parser()
result = CreateError(1, "a valid command")
End If
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
One last check and we are done. Our parsing process is started off by the Parse
method. When parsing is over, there should not be any dangling blocks left. In other words, we should not begin a block and not end it. In yet other words, when the Parse
method finishes its work, the block stack should be empty. So, let us modify the Parse
method accordingly. Make the change in Parser.vb.
Public Function Parse() As ParseStatus
Dim result As ParseStatus
Do While ScanLine()
result = ParseLine()
If result.Code <> 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
If result.Code = 0 AndAlso _
(Not m_BlockStack.IsEmpty()) Then
result = CreateError(1, _
"end " & _
m_BlockStack.CurrentBlock.BlockType _
End If
Return result
End Function
Let's test all this. Compile with:
vbc /out:sicc.exe Compiler.vb Parser.vb Commands.vb CodeGen.vb Utilities.vb
Run using:
Test our compiler, first with this:
REM This is a simple program
Print "Hello, World"
End Comment
Print 2+4/2-1
Print 2=2 And 4=1
and then with this:
REM This is a simple program
Print "Hello, World"
Print 2+4/2-1
Print 2=2 And 4=1
End Comment
End Comment
Both should work. The second example should answer the question I asked when we wrote the ParseCommentCommand
Test with invalid programs as well, such as leaving out the End Comment
or the Comment
. Our compiler should accurately flag any errors that you make.
In this chapter, we took the decision to make our compiler compile an imperative language, that is, one comprising of statements. We learned how to incorporate simple statements and compound statements into our parser, and have ended up with a compiler which understands four statements or commands: Rem
, Print
, and Comment
and End
. The Print
command uses the expression parsers that we created previously. The real SIC language has now started taking shape.
In the next chapter, we will start working on that staple of all imperative programming languages: the variable.