Examples of using the 2013 TREC microblog API. Basically clones IndriRunQuery.
Once you've cloned the repository, build the package with Maven:
$ mvn clean package appassembler:assemble
Appassembler will automatically generate a launch scripts for:
: baseline run. with or without RM3 feedback
To automatically generate project files for Eclipse:
$ mvn eclipse:clean
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
You can then use Eclipse's Import "Existing Projects into Workspace" functionality to import the project.
After building, you can run the sample programs via somthing like this:
$ sh ./target/appassembler/bin/RunQueries ./config/params_run.json
which will run a simple baseline query likelihood retrieval. All runnable programs are in ./target/appassembler/bin/ . Also, all programs take a single argument: a JSON-formatted file that will look something like this:
"queries" : "./data/topics.microblog2012.txt",
"host" : "<host_name>",
"port" : 9090,
"num_results" : 1000,
"fb_docs" : 0,
"fb_terms" : 0,
"group" : "<your_group_here>",
"token" : "<your_token_here>",
"runtag" : "<run_tag_here>"
Hopefully these variables are self-explanatory. Setting either fb_docs
or fb_terms
to 0 gives a run with no feedback. If both of these
are set >0, pseudo-feedback using RM3 is used.
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