Module: 2.5i
Firmware: 2023.11.2 (Nov 19 2023, 21:43:41)
I have two 2.5i boards correctly wired to my Merlin 2.0+ door openers. That is unless someone can tell me I really must have the ground in the green push button ground (even though the ground seems to be shared).
They are then integrated into Home Assistant. At random times the lights turn on by themselves and this is what the log shows:
10:16:25 | [D] | [ratgdo:210] | Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED
-- | -- | -- | --
10:16:43 | [D] | [light:036] | 'Light' Setting:
10:16:44 | [D] | [number:012] | 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 131.000000
10:16:44 | [D] | [esp8266.preferences:238] | Saving preferences to flash...
10:17:01 | [D] | [ratgdo:210] | Status: door=CLOSED light=ON lock=UNLOCKED
Home Assistant looks like this:
If it wasn't for my auto-off automation, these lights stay on constantly, although the turn on issue does seem to mostly happen during the day.
Any ideas?