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Light, motion and lock remotes status not updating. #158




I received two Ratgdo boards and installed them on my two Chamberlain openers a couple days ago. All hardware and wiring are identical on both openers. One Ratgdo works perfectly with instant status updates, the other one does not. My problem Ratgdo will update the light status after approximately five minutes which I believe the opener sends updates at this interval. I can toggle the light from the web interface or Esphome and the light will toggle instantly with a status update. If I toggle the light from the wall controller, the light will toggle, but the status will not change for a few minutes. The light status updates instantly when the door is opened or closed. No status update happens with motion detection and lock remotes while using the wall controller. It appears anything triggered by the wall controller is not being captured by the Ratgdo board. Looking at the logs, events are logged for everything except when triggered by the wall controller. I log the following every now and then:

10:11:42 | [W] | [component:214] | Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.06 s).
10:11:42 | [W] | [component:215] | Components should block for at most 20-30ms.

As a quick test, I swapped Ratgdo boards on the openers. The problem transferred with the board swap. Currently, both Ratgdo boards are wired using red, white and black connections and powered by USB. Not using passthrough or dry contacts.

Tested obstruction detection, status will update instantly on both boards. While testing the obstruction sensor, I discovered if an obstruction was detected, the light status would update when using the wall controller. The status update takes a couple seconds, not instantly as the working Ratgdo.

With more testing, door position is not being reported as the door is opened and closed. On the working Ratgdo, the door position is published roughly every 4%.

I re-flashed the Ratgdo board with the problem, but this didn't resolve my issue.

Not knowing how light, motion and lock status change works, not sure what to try next.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.





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