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Ratgdo 2.5i with Chamberlain B1381 status values working, but no command functions. Serial logs included  #178




Ratgdo 2.5i board with current firmware build using with Chamberlain B1381 opener,

The status values are working, but no command functions. Tried with MQTT version as well and getting same lack of response of commands.

below is a serial dump of logs. in this i used the ESPHOME device website to go thru the commands and then did following .. turn on light, open, close, lock, unlock and turn off light from the wall button unit (that has display with temperature on it)

let me know if additional debugging is needed in verbose level. Or a logs from a different firmware version would help

I have tried full power cycle of opener, including backup battery disconnection. One other step was I going to attempt to wipe all remote codes and start over but it has been to cold recently to go thru that process.

sdd��<�$�|� �� l��c|������r�c� c��og�doo����c�p��lrlsdx�n��� ��l ��� c�n�|�� �� c��no�l��l����g'���d��o{���'��;r��p�g���� r���������b�o�|����c��'n� �l ����gg���l��gs���o s�l��s��o s�l���� �x� l���o��$[I][logger:355]: Log initialized
[C][ota:473]: There have been 1 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[I][app:029]: Running through setup()...
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4126.000000
[D][ratgdo:320]: Set opening duration: 15.4s
[D][number:012]: 'Opening duration': Sending state 15.400000
[D][ratgdo:326]: Set closing duration: 14.3s
[D][number:012]: 'Closing duration': Sending state 14.300000
[D][number:012]: 'Client ID': Sending state 3827001.000000
[C][switch.gpio:011]: Setting up GPIO Switch 'Status door'...
[D][switch:016]: 'Status door' Turning OFF.
[D][switch:055]: 'Status door': Sending state OFF
[D][switch:016]: 'Status door' Turning OFF.
[C][switch.gpio:011]: Setting up GPIO Switch 'Status obstruction'...
[D][switch:016]: 'Status obstruction' Turning OFF.
[D][switch:055]: 'Status obstruction': Sending state OFF
[D][switch:016]: 'Status obstruction' Turning OFF.
[C][light:035]: Setting up light 'Light'...
[D][light:036]: 'Light' Setting:
[D][light:041]: Color mode:
[D][binary_sensor:034]: 'Motion': Sending initial state OFF
[D][binary_sensor:034]: 'Obstruction': Sending initial state OFF
[D][binary_sensor:034]: 'Button': Sending initial state OFF
[C][wifi:038]: Setting up WiFi...
[C][wifi:051]: Starting WiFi...
[C][wifi:052]: Local MAC: AC:0B:FB:E7:6E:E0
[D][wifi:061]: Loaded saved wifi settings: nothsd
[D][wifi:455]: Starting scan...
[D][binary_sensor:034]: 'Dry contact close': Sending initial state OFF
[D][binary_sensor:034]: 'Dry contact open': Sending initial state OFF
[D][binary_sensor:034]: 'Dry contact light': Sending initial state OFF
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4127.000000
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4138.000000
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4139.000000
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4140.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.06 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4141.000000
[D][wifi:470]: Found networks:
[I][wifi:513]: - 'nothsd' [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:515]: Channel: 5
[D][wifi:516]: RSSI: -54 dB
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:518]: - [redacted] [redacted]▂▄▆█
[I][wifi:300]: WiFi Connecting to 'nothsd'...
[W][wifi_esp8266:496]: Event: Disconnected ssid='nothsd' bssid=[redacted] reason='Auth Expired'
[W][wifi:618]: Error while connecting to network.
[W][wifi:654]: Restarting WiFi adapter...
[W][wifi_esp8266:496]: Event: Disconnected ssid='nothsd' bssid=[redacted] reason='Authentication Failed'
[I][wifi:300]: WiFi Connecting to 'nothsd'...
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4142.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.06 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[I][wifi:587]: WiFi Connected!
[C][wifi:405]: Local MAC: AC:0B:FB:E7:6E:E0
[C][wifi:410]: SSID: [redacted]
[C][wifi:411]: IP Address:
[C][wifi:412]: BSSID: [redacted]
[C][wifi:414]: Hostname: 'ratgdov25i-e76ee0'
[C][wifi:416]: Signal strength: -54 dB ▂▄▆█
[C][wifi:420]: Channel: 5
[C][wifi:421]: Subnet:
[C][wifi:422]: Gateway:
[C][wifi:423]: DNS1:
[C][wifi:424]: DNS2:
[D][wifi:596]: Disabling AP...
[C][web_server:123]: Setting up web server...
[C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[C][ota:098]: Address: ratgdov25i.local:8266
[C][api:025]: Setting up Home Assistant API server...
[I][app:062]: setup() finished successfully!
[I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.12.5 compiled on Jan 18 2024, 20:25:51
[I][app:104]: Project ratgdo.esphome version 2.5i
[C][wifi:573]: WiFi:
[C][wifi:405]: Local MAC: AC:0B:FB:E7:6E:E0
[C][wifi:410]: SSID: [redacted]
[C][wifi:411]: IP Address:
[C][wifi:412]: BSSID: [redacted]
[C][wifi:414]: Hostname: 'ratgdov25i-e76ee0'
[C][wifi:416]: Signal strength: -54 dB ▂▄▆█
[C][wifi:420]: Channel: 5
[C][wifi:421]: Subnet:
[C][wifi:422]: Gateway:
[C][wifi:423]: DNS1:
[C][wifi:424]: DNS2:
[C][logger:443]: Logger:
[C][logger:444]: Level: DEBUG
[C][logger:445]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[C][logger:447]: Hardware UART: UART0
[C][ratgdo.number:021]: RATGDO Number 'Rolling code counter'
[C][ratgdo.number:021]: Unit of Measurement: 'codes'
[C][ratgdo.number:025]: Type: Rolling Code Counter
[C][ratgdo.number:021]: RATGDO Number 'Opening duration'
[C][ratgdo.number:021]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[C][ratgdo.number:027]: Type: Opening Duration
[C][ratgdo.number:021]: RATGDO Number 'Closing duration'
[C][ratgdo.number:021]: Unit of Measurement: 's'
[C][ratgdo.number:029]: Type: Closing Duration
[C][ratgdo.number:021]: RATGDO Number 'Client ID'
[C][ratgdo.number:023]: Type: Client ID
[C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'Status door'
[C][switch.gpio:090]: Restore Mode: always OFF
[C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO16
[C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'Status obstruction'
[C][switch.gpio:090]: Restore Mode: always OFF
[C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO15
[C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'Dry contact open'
[C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO14
[C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'Dry contact close'
[C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO12
[C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'Dry contact light'
[C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO0
[C][light:103]: Light 'Light'
[C][ratgdo:081]: Setting up RATGDO...
[C][ratgdo:082]: Output GDO Pin: GPIO5
[C][ratgdo:083]: Input GDO Pin: GPIO4
[C][ratgdo:087]: Input Obstruction Pin: GPIO13
[C][ratgdo:089]: Rolling Code Counter: 4142
[C][ratgdo:090]: Client ID: 3827001
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: RATGDO Sensor 'Openings'
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: State Class: ''
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: Unit of Measurement: 'openings'
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: Icon: 'mdi:open-in-app'
[C][ratgdo.sensor:043]: Type: Openings
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: RATGDO Sensor 'Paired Devices'
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: State Class: ''
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: Unit of Measurement: ''
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[C][ratgdo.sensor:041]: Icon: 'mdi:remote'
[C][ratgdo.sensor:045]: Type: Paired Devices
[C][ratgdo.lock:012]: RATGDO Lock 'Lock remotes'
[C][ratgdo.lock:013]: Type: Lock
[C][ratgdo.switch:068]: RATGDO Switch 'Learn'
[C][ratgdo.switch:070]: Icon: 'mdi:plus-box'
[C][ratgdo.switch:090]: Restore Mode: always OFF
[C][ratgdo.switch:014]: Type: Learn
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:036]: RATGDO BinarySensor 'Motion'
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:036]: Device Class: 'motion'
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:038]: Type: Motion
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:036]: RATGDO BinarySensor 'Obstruction'
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:036]: Device Class: 'problem'
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:040]: Type: Obstruction
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:036]: RATGDO BinarySensor 'Button'
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:044]: Type: Button
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:036]: RATGDO BinarySensor 'Motor'
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:036]: Device Class: 'running'
[C][ratgdo.binary_sensor:042]: Type: Motor
[C][ratgdo.cover:014]: RATGDO Cover 'Door'
[C][ratgdo.cover:014]: Device Class: 'garage'
[C][ratgdo.light:014]: RATGDO Light
[C][restart.button:017]: Restart Button 'Restart'
[C][safe_mode.button:022]: Safe Mode Button 'Safe mode boot'
[C][safe_mode.button:022]: Icon: 'mdi:restart-alert'
[C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:
[C][homeassistant.time:011]: Timezone: 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'
[C][web_server:168]: Web Server:
[C][web_server:169]: Address: ratgdov25i.local:80
[C][mdns:115]: mDNS:
[C][mdns:116]: Hostname: ratgdov25i-e76ee0
[C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[C][ota:098]: Address: ratgdov25i.local:8266
[C][api:139]: API Server:
[C][api:140]: Address: ratgdov25i.local:6053
[C][api:144]: Using noise encryption: NO
[C][improv_serial:032]: Improv Serial:
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4143.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.06 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4144.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.05 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4145.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][api:102]: Accepted
[D][api.connection:1121]: ESPHome Logs 2023.12.5 ( Connected successfully
[D][time:044]: Synchronized time: 2024-01-18 20:31:34
[D][ratgdo:630]: Triggering sync failed actions.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4146.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][ratgdo:462]: Discard incomplete packet, length: 15
[D][cover:076]: 'Door' - Setting
[D][cover:084]: Position: 100%
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4147.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[I][ota:117]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.
[D][cover:076]: 'Door' - Setting
[D][cover:084]: Position: 100%
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4148.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][cover:076]: 'Door' - Setting
[D][cover:084]: Position: 0%
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4149.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][lock:054]: 'Lock remotes': Sending state LOCKED
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4150.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][lock:054]: 'Lock remotes': Sending state UNLOCKED
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4151.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][button:010]: 'Query openings' Pressed.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4152.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][button:010]: 'Query status' Pressed.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4153.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][button:010]: 'Sync' Pressed.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4154.000000
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4165.000000
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4166.000000
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4167.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4168.000000
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4169.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4170.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.07 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4171.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.07 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4172.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.07 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][ratgdo:630]: Triggering sync failed actions.
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4173.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.07 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 0%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: IDLE
[D][switch:016]: 'Status door' Turning OFF.
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Motor': Sending state OFF
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4174.000000
[D][switch:055]: 'Learn': Sending state OFF
[D][ratgdo:497]: Query paired devices of type: ALL
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4175.000000
[D][ratgdo:497]: Query paired devices of type: REMOTE
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4176.000000
[D][ratgdo:497]: Query paired devices of type: KEYPAD
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4177.000000
[D][ratgdo:497]: Query paired devices of type: WALL_CONTROL
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4178.000000
[D][ratgdo:497]: Query paired devices of type: ACCESSORY
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4179.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.07 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][ratgdo:232]: Light: action=TOGGLE state=ON
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Obstruction': Sending state ON
[D][switch:012]: 'Status obstruction' Turning ON.
[D][switch:055]: 'Status obstruction': Sending state ON
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Obstruction': Sending state OFF
[D][switch:016]: 'Status obstruction' Turning OFF.
[D][switch:055]: 'Status obstruction': Sending state OFF
[D][ratgdo:241]: Open: button=PRESSED
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state ON
[D][ratgdo:241]: Open: button=RELEASED
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state OFF
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=OPENING light=ON lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 0%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 3%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[W][component:214]: Component preferences took a long time for an operation (0.06 s).
[W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 7%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 10%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 13%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][ratgdo:238]: Motor: state=ON
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Motor': Sending state ON
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 16%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 20%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 23%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 26%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 29%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][ratgdo:238]: Motor: state=ON
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 33%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 36%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 39%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 42%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 46%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 49%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 52%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 55%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 59%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][ratgdo:238]: Motor: state=ON
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 62%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 65%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 69%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 72%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 75%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 78%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 82%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 85%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 88%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 91%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 95%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: OPENING
[D][ratgdo:721]: Cancelling position callbacks
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=OPEN light=ON lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 100%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: IDLE
[D][switch:012]: 'Status door' Turning ON.
[D][switch:055]: 'Status door': Sending state ON
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Motor': Sending state OFF
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][ratgdo:241]: Open: button=PRESSED
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state ON
[D][ratgdo:241]: Open: button=RELEASED
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Button': Sending state OFF
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSING light=ON lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 100%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 96%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 93%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 89%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 86%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 82%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 79%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 75%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 72%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 68%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][ratgdo:238]: Motor: state=ON
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Motor': Sending state ON
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 65%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 61%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 58%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 54%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 51%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 47%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 44%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 40%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][ratgdo:238]: Motor: state=ON
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 37%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 33%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 30%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 26%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][ratgdo:238]: Motor: state=ON
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 23%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 19%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 16%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 12%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 9%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 5%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: CLOSING
[D][ratgdo:721]: Cancelling position callbacks
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=ON lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][cover:170]: 'Door' - Publishing:
[D][cover:173]: Position: 0%
[D][cover:186]: Current Operation: IDLE
[D][switch:016]: 'Status door' Turning OFF.
[D][switch:055]: 'Status door': Sending state OFF
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4180.000000
[D][binary_sensor:036]: 'Motor': Sending state OFF
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=ON lock=LOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][lock:054]: 'Lock remotes': Sending state LOCKED
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4181.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=ON lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][lock:054]: 'Lock remotes': Sending state UNLOCKED
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4182.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][ratgdo:232]: Light: action=TOGGLE state=OFF
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=LOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][lock:054]: 'Lock remotes': Sending state LOCKED
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4183.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][lock:054]: 'Lock remotes': Sending state UNLOCKED
[D][number:012]: 'Rolling code counter': Sending state 4184.000000
[D][esp8266.preferences:238]: Saving preferences to flash...
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE
[D][ratgdo:218]: Status: door=CLOSED light=OFF lock=UNLOCKED learn=INACTIVE`




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