Hi all
Recently I have connected a ratgdo board with ESPHome-FW to my Chamberlain ML1000ev Garagedoor opener (“yellow learn button” Security + 2.0). The board I have purchased directly from ratgdo (V2.5) and is powered over USB. WIFI is 3m away from board (-40 dBm).
Connection/Wiring is OK because in general everything works (open/close commands, light, obstruction)
My problem: After a few hours the 5 minutes status reporting stops. This screenshot was taken at 16:30:
No more updates and opening the garage door with a remote control also reported no change in status.
"Query status" helped and the status was updated immediately:
Do you know what could be the root cause for this? Does the Garagedoor opener somehow have a deep sleep? And "query status" does wake-up?
Thanks & BR