DICOM Lookup tables
- What do they mean? VOI LUT, Modality LUT, Presentation LUT
- Sometimes they toggle on/off
- Table transform from source pixel values into whatever you want to display
- e.g. for an unsigned CT raw pixel into hounsfield
- 0->-1024
- 1024->0
- 2048->1024
- Four Types
- Modality LUT - Transform between raw values (x7fe0,0010) and something more standardized (e.g. CT HU).
- Rescale Slope/Intercept is a linear transform
- VOI LUT - Values of interest (e.g. WW/WC - bone, abdomen, lung, brain)
- Presentation LUT - Converts rest of values into something display can show
- e.g. MONOCHROME1 (white->black) - can invert
- It is sometimes implicit, explicit (invert), full LUT
- Color LUT - maps input as single value to RGB
- Modality LUT - Transform between raw values (x7fe0,0010) and something more standardized (e.g. CT HU).
- https://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part04/figures/PS3.4_N.2-1.svg
- https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstone/blob/master/src/internal/generateLut.js
- https://github.com/PantelisGeorgiadis/dcmjs-imaging
Multimedia Report
- Came up with a clinical use case
static-wado and p10 update - 5m
- Java and JS version are child projects of OHIF
- Lots of enhancements made
- Change to the structure of the output so they can be served by OHIF
- OHIF testing can use the output of dicom-static-web
- Change to the structure of the output so they can be served by OHIF
HELP WANTED - Looking for additional test data:
- Video (short) - can someone do a 1 minute intro to OHIF as MPEG
SIIM Blockchain Working Group - 5m
- SIIM Hackathon related - eduction focused than competitive
- Try to keep it interesting by adding new technology
- Want to make them highly accessible - demystify
- Two new initiatives this year
- Open Source Data Set - FHIR + DICOM (fictional patients)
- In the process of adding "enterprise imaging type data" to those images
- In the past - just radiology. Working on adding dermatology, pathology, etc
- Blockchain
- Spun off a working group to figure out how to do this
- First meeting was last week
- Decided to create a SIIM specific Ethereum network
- Will have a few sample applications
- Use Case: Verify Radiologist Credentials
- Use Case: Verify codvid vaccination certificates
- Will also have option for people to devlop their own apps and explore other uses cases
- Open Source Data Set - FHIR + DICOM (fictional patients)
- Reach out to Mohannad if you are interested in helping out!