Just FYI, I've tried to work in time when I have it to make updates to fix long-standing bugs and issues. Unfortunately demands for my time have been too limited to do this job well, so I'm filing for OSS bankruptcy for the moment.
Until my time allows or @ryanflorence decides to take over or hand off the project, further changes are unlikely to happen any time soon.
You have a few options:
- Switch to another library. Thankfully since Reach was introduced many moons ago, others have seen the value in building low-level, composable and accessible components, and many have adopted similar patterns as Reach. A few great, well-maintained libraries to consider:
- Fork Reach UI. This is probably a better option for teams that need stability. If that's you, a senior frontend React developer can likely spend some time reading our code to get a good idea of how things work under the hood. I'd suggest allocating a few hours to get up-to-speed, but maintenance should generally be fairly straight forward.
- Don't change anything. If you're on React 16 or 17 and you don't plan to upgrade any time soon, it's probably fine to leave it alone. There are some known bugs that might require a patch or fork in some packages, but many of our components are pretty stable as-is.
It's always possible that I find some time here and there to cut a few more releases, but I don't want anyone to pin their hopes on it. I've done the best I could over the past couple of years, but I think the community deserves to know the state of things.
Thanks for reading and using/contributing to our software ❤️
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