Module not found: Error: You attempted to import /Users/huqinglong/work/react-native/react-native-elements-test/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js which falls outside of the project src/ directory. Relative imports outside of src/ are not supported.
You can either move it inside src/, or add a symlink to it from project's node_modules/.
ERROR in ./src/App.tsx 5:29-171
Module not found: Error: You attempted to import /Users/huqinglong/work/react-native/react-native-elements-test/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js which falls outside of the project src/ directory. Relative imports outside of src/ are not supported.
You can either move it inside src/, or add a symlink to it from project's node_modules/.
ERROR in ./src/index.tsx 5:29-171
Module not found: Error: You attempted to import /Users/huqinglong/work/react-native/react-native-elements-test/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js which falls outside of the project src/ directory. Relative imports outside of src/ are not supported.
You can either move it inside src/, or add a symlink to it from project's node_modules/.