To reproduce, run yarn build-storybook
. There are two asset size limit warnings that can impact web performance.
yarn build-storybook
yarn run v1.15.2
$ build-storybook -c .storybook -o .out
info @storybook/react v5.0.6
info clean outputDir..
info => Copying prebuild dll's..
info => Building manager..
info => Loading manager config..
info => Loading presets
info => Compiling manager..
info => manager built (12 s)
WARN asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
WARN This can impact web performance.
WARN Assets:
WARN vendors~main.587e785d3b39ea07a8b4.bundle.js (1.19 MiB)
WARN entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
WARN Entrypoints:
WARN main (1.19 MiB)
WARN runtime~main.6ac4c33d73ae9704bbb9.bundle.js
WARN vendors~main.587e785d3b39ea07a8b4.bundle.js
WARN main.78dd7914b17fa05a2a5e.bundle.js
WARN webpack performance recommendations:
WARN You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
WARN For more info visit
info => Building preview..
info => Loading preview config..
info => Loading presets
info => Loading custom webpack config (extending mode).
info => Using base config because react-scripts is not installed.
info => Compiling preview..
10% building 1/1 modules 0 active(node:1679) DeprecationWarning: Extend-mode configuration is deprecated, please use full-control mode instead.
info => Preview built (19 s)
WARN asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
WARN This can impact web performance.
WARN Assets:
WARN vendors~main.233f5970e9ab16c4055e.bundle.js (1.66 MiB)
WARN iframe.html (385 KiB)
WARN entrypoint size limit: The following entrypoint(s) combined asset size exceeds the recommended limit (244 KiB). This can impact web performance.
WARN Entrypoints:
WARN main (1.67 MiB)
WARN runtime~main.233f5970e9ab16c4055e.bundle.js
WARN vendors~main.233f5970e9ab16c4055e.bundle.js
WARN main.233f5970e9ab16c4055e.bundle.js
WARN webpack performance recommendations:
WARN You can limit the size of your bundles by using import() or require.ensure to lazy load some parts of your application.
WARN For more info visit
Solution: implement Code Splitting.