Hi could you please update this project to work on latest versions e.g. Java 12, SDK 28. Unfortunately i wasnt able to run this in 2019.
aws-amplify ^0.2.11 → ^1.1.40
aws-amplify-react-native ^0.2.7 → ^2.1.19
moment ^2.20.1 → ^2.24.0
react 16.2.0 → 16.9.0
react-native 0.52.1 → 0.60.5
react-navigation ^1.0.0-beta.27 → ^4.0.5
react-redux ^5.0.6 → ^7.1.1
redux ^3.7.2 → ^4.0.4
redux-persist ^5.5.0 → ^6.0.0
redux-thunk ^2.2.0 → ^2.3.0
babel-jest 22.1.0 → 24.9.0
babel-preset-react-native 4.0.0 → 4.0.1
jest 22.1.4 → 24.9.0
react-test-renderer 16.2.0 → 16.9.0