Releases: reactive/data-client
Releases · reactive/data-client
[email protected]
0.0.1-beta.1 (2021-07-12)
Note: Version bump only for package normalizr-redux-example
[email protected]
0.0.1-beta.1 (2021-07-12)
Note: Version bump only for package normalizr-github-example
[email protected]
0.0.1-beta.1 (2021-07-12)
Note: Version bump only for package benchmark
@rest-hooks/[email protected]
@rest-hooks/[email protected]
8.0.0-beta.1 (2021-07-12)
- Importing directly from hidden files is no longer supported
- Node>=12
- fromJS() -> process() to customize init
- normalize results in POJO rather than instances
- FlatEntity, SimpleRecord removed (use @rest-hooks/legacy)
- peerDep @rest-hooks/endpoint > 2
🚀 Features
- Allow normalizing entities that are just ids (#1002) (377391f)
- Use 'exports' package.json member (#955) (7e9d39f)
💅 Enhancement
- Different babel targets for cjs and umd builds (#989) (f054814)
- Entities normalize to POJO (#940) (75ebdfe)
- Remove 'fallback' package.json exports (#992) (dc95f9d)
- Use optional chaining (#1003) (6e45937)
📝 Documentation
@rest-hooks/[email protected]
2.0.0-beta.1 (2021-07-12)
- Importing directly from hidden files is no longer supported
- Node>=12
- Removed: SyntheticError (untriggerable since #938)
- @rest-hooks/rest: 500s are 'soft', else 'hard'
- PollingSubscription: any errors are 'soft'
- @rest-hooks/endpoint: no default errorPolicy, therefore all errors are
- fromJS() -> process() to customize init
- normalize results in POJO rather than instances
- FlatEntity, SimpleRecord removed (use @rest-hooks/legacy)
- peerDep @rest-hooks/endpoint > 2
🚀 Features
- Add errorPolicy to endpoint options (#971) (836f05b)
- Use 'exports' package.json member (#955) (7e9d39f)
💅 Enhancement
- Different babel targets for cjs and umd builds (#989) (f054814)
- Entities normalize to POJO (#940) (75ebdfe)
- Give Endpoint.extend() type a name (#969) (5afec16)
- Remove 'fallback' package.json exports (#992) (dc95f9d)
📝 Documentation
@rest-hooks/[email protected]
2.0.0-beta.2 (2021-07-12)
- Importing directly from hidden files is no longer supported
- Node>=12
- Removed: SyntheticError (untriggerable since #938)
- @rest-hooks/rest: 500s are 'soft', else 'hard'
- PollingSubscription: any errors are 'soft'
- @rest-hooks/endpoint: no default errorPolicy, therefore all errors are
- Rest Hooks 4 invalidIfStale behavior completely removed
- buildInferredResult removed. use inferResults instead
- fromJS() -> process() to customize init
- normalize results in POJO rather than instances
- FlatEntity, SimpleRecord removed (use @rest-hooks/legacy)
- peerDep @rest-hooks/endpoint > 2
- Removed exports from 'rest-hooks': NestedEntity, schemas, isEntity, Entity, Resource, SimpleResource, SchemaDetail, SchemaList, Method
- use @rest-hooks/legacy, or @rest-hooks/rest instead
- useError() will no longer create synthetic
errors for missing entities
🚀 Features
- Add errorPolicy to endpoint options (#971) (836f05b)
- FixtureEndpoint & renderRestHook resolverFixtures (#1027) (bbb69e9)
- Use 'exports' package.json member (#955) (7e9d39f)
💅 Enhancement
- Different babel targets for cjs and umd builds (#989) (f054814)
- Entities normalize to POJO (#940) (75ebdfe)
- Remove 'fallback' package.json exports (#992) (dc95f9d)
- Remove buildInferredResult() (#941) (c137aa7)
- Remove extraneous hack for expiresAt (#970) (0602376)
- Remove Resource export from 'rest-hooks' package (#939) (0707920)
- schema not needed in action (#1029) (2a2fe3a)
- Use optional chaining (#1003) (6e45937)
- useError() only checks meta error (#938) (b08d708)
🐛 Bug Fix
📝 Documentation
[email protected]
5.3.3 (2021-07-06)
Note: Version bump only for package rest-hooks
@rest-hooks/[email protected]
@rest-hooks/[email protected]
1.2.3 (2021-07-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @rest-hooks/endpoint