es6.promise.js:116 Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
at console.window.console.error (<anonymous>:39:101)
at es6.promise.js:110
at module.exports (_perform.js:3)
at es6.promise.js:104
at module.exports (_invoke.js:5)
at queue.(:3000/anonymous function) (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:128224:7)
at (_task.js:21)
at MessagePort.listener (_task.js:25)
Unhandled promise rejection Error: [react-a11y]: Button - You have an `onClick` handler but did not define an `onKeyDown`, `onKeyUp` or `onKeyPress` handler. Add it, and have the "Space" key do the same thing as an `onClick` handler. See '' for more info. Element:
<button aria-controls="gadgetSelectionPanel" aria-expanded="false" type="submit"><div class="md-ink-container"></div><i aria-hidden="true" class="md-icon material-icons icon icon--default button__icon">add</i><span class="button__label">Add Item</span></button>
at throwError (options.js:96)
at options.js:146
at A11y.<anonymous> (a11y.js:190)
at Suite._callee$ (test.js:229)
at tryCatch (runtime.js:62)
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (runtime.js:296)
at Generator.prototype.(:3000/anonymous function) [as next] (http://localhost:3000/main.bundle.js:284032:21)
at step (asyncToGenerator.js:17)
at asyncToGenerator.js:28
at run (es6.promise.js:75)
at es6.promise.js:92
at MutationObserver.flush (_microtask.js:18)
at MutationObserver.nrWrapper ((index):19)
Here is my config:
a11y(React, ReactDOM, {
filterFn: (componentName, elementId, msg) => {
switch (componentName) {
// Ignore react-md components
case 'AccessibleFakeButton':
case 'FieldCell':
case 'FontIcon':
case 'Overlay':
case 'SelectionControl':
case 'SelectionControlGroup':
case 'TextField':
case 'TransitionGroup':
return false
return true
rules: {
'aria-role': 'error',
'aria-unsupported-elements': 'error',
'click-events-have-key-events': 'error',
'hidden-uses-tabindex': 'error',
'img-redundant-alt': 'error',
'img-uses-alt': 'error',
'interactive-supports-focus': 'error',
'label-has-for': 'error',
'mouse-events-have-key-events': 'error',
'no-access-key': 'error',
'no-hash-ref': 'error',
'no-onchange': 'error',
'onclick-uses-role': 'error',
'tabindex-no-positive': 'error',
'tabindex-uses-button': 'error'
This is in a current version of Chrome on OSX
No labels