We are working in a huge monorepo setup with hundreds of packages. Now if an interface is imported from an "external" package - just another package that i'm currently scoped into - it won't pick up this file and parse it. This results in missing properties that basically would be delivered by this imported interface/type.
Could be fixed with a patch in the makeFsImporter.ts
but i didn't made a pull request yet - i just tried it out very specifically for our own repository, but it would need further work to make a generic solution out of it:
function resolveImportedValue(
path: ImportPath,
name: string,
file: FileState,
seen = new Set<string>(),
): NodePath | null {
// Bail if no filename was provided for the current source file.
// Also never traverse into react itself.
let source = path.node.source?.value;
let { filename } = file.opts;
// Customization: add support to resolve packages from blocks, segments, and libraries in iso monorepo
if (
(typeof filename === "string" && source?.startsWith("@blocks")) ||
source?.startsWith("@segments") ||
) {
filename = `${getRepoRoot(filename as string)}/${source.replace("@", "")}/src/index.ts`;
source = "./index";
// Customization: end
if (!source || !filename || source === "react") {
return null;
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