diff --git a/src/content/reference/react-dom/components/common.md b/src/content/reference/react-dom/components/common.md
index 46fd81ba715..9d15332139d 100644
--- a/src/content/reference/react-dom/components/common.md
+++ b/src/content/reference/react-dom/components/common.md
@@ -282,90 +282,6 @@ To support backwards compatibility, if a cleanup function is not returned from t
* When Strict Mode is on, React will **run one extra development-only setup+cleanup cycle** before the first real setup. This is a stress-test that ensures that your cleanup logic "mirrors" your setup logic and that it stops or undoes whatever the setup is doing. If this causes a problem, implement the cleanup function.
* When you pass a *different* `ref` callback, React will call the *previous* callback's cleanup function if provided. If no cleanup function is defined, the `ref` callback will be called with `null` as the argument. The *next* function will be called with the DOM node.
-#### Troubleshooting: My ref points to a unmounted DOM node {/*my-ref-points-to-a-unmounted-dom-node*/}
-A `ref` callback function with a cleanup function that does not set `ref.current` to `null` can result in a `ref` to a unmounted node. Uncheck "Show Input" below and click "Submit" to see how the `ref` to the unmounted `` is still accessible by the click handler for the form.
-import { useRef, useState } from "react";
-export default function MyForm() {
- const [showInput, setShowInput] = useState(true);
- let inputRef = useRef();
- const handleCheckboxChange = (event) => {
- setShowInput(event.target.checked);
- };
- const handleSubmit = (event) => {
- event.preventDefault();
- if (inputRef.current) {
- alert(`Input value is: "${inputRef.current.value}"`);
- } else {
- alert("no input");
- }
- };
- const inputRefCallback = (node) => {
- inputRef.current = node;
- return () => {
- // ⚠️ You must set `ref.current` to `null`
- // in this cleanup function e.g.
- // `inputRef.current = null;`
- // to prevent hanging refs to unmounted DOM nodes
- };
- };
- return (
- );
-To fix the hanging ref to the DOM node that is no longer rendered, set `ref.current` to `null` in the `ref` callback cleanup function.
-import { useRef } from "react";
-function MyInput() {
- inputRef = useRef()
- const inputRefCallback = (node) => {
- ref.current = node;
- return () => {
- // ⚠️ You must set `ref.current` to `null` in this cleanup
- // function to prevent hanging refs to unmounted DOM nodes
- inputRef.current = null;
- };
- };
- return
### React event object {/*react-event-object*/}
diff --git a/src/content/reference/react/useRef.md b/src/content/reference/react/useRef.md
index 8ab53aef371..020d8c0f1a1 100644
--- a/src/content/reference/react/useRef.md
+++ b/src/content/reference/react/useRef.md
@@ -538,6 +538,307 @@ Here, the `playerRef` itself is nullable. However, you should be able to convinc
+### Detect DOM changes with a ref {/*detect-dom-changes-with-a-ref*/}
+In some scenarios, you might need to detect changes in the DOM, such as when a component's children are dynamically updated. You can achieve this by using a `ref` callback wrapped in `useCallback` to create a MutationObserver. This approach allows you to observe changes in the DOM and perform actions based on those changes.
+```js src/App.js active
+import { useState, useRef, useCallback } from "react";
+import { useDrawReactLogo } from "./draw-logo";
+export default function ReactLogo() {
+ const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
+ const logoRef = useRef(null);
+ // the ref callback function should be wraped in
+ // useCallback so the listener doesn't reconnect
+ // on each render
+ const setLogoRef = useCallback((node) => {
+ logoRef.current = node;
+ const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
+ if (node && node.children.length > 0) {
+ setLoading(false);
+ logoRef.current = null;
+ observer.disconnect();
+ }
+ });
+ observer.observe(node, { childList: true });
+ return () => {
+ // When defining a ref callback cleanup function
+ // it is important to re-assign the ref object
+ // to null so that other references will not
+ // point to the ghost element that no longer exists
+ logoRef.current = null;
+ observer.disconnect();
+ };
+ }, []);
+ useDrawReactLogo(logoRef);
+ return (
+ {loading ?
: null}
+ );
+```js src/draw-logo.js hidden
+import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
+export function useDrawReactLogo(chartRef) {
+ // Use a ref to that status of if drawing
+ // has started or not outside of render
+ const drawnRef = useRef(false);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!drawnRef.current) {
+ delayedDrawReactLogo(chartRef.current);
+ drawnRef.current = true;
+ }
+ }, [chartRef]);
+function delayedDrawReactLogo(node) {
+ // add 500ms delay to simulate
+ // a long drawing time
+ setTimeout(() => drawReactLogo(node), 500);
+function drawReactLogo(node) {
+ const svgNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
+ const createSvgElement = (type, attributes) => {
+ const element = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, type);
+ Object.entries(attributes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
+ element.setAttribute(key, value);
+ });
+ return element;
+ };
+ const svg = createSvgElement("svg", {
+ width: "120",
+ height: "120",
+ viewBox: "0 0 100 100",
+ });
+ const ellipses = [{ rotate: 0 }, { rotate: 60 }, { rotate: 120 }];
+ ellipses.forEach(({ rotate }) => {
+ const ellipse = createSvgElement("ellipse", {
+ cx: "50",
+ cy: "50",
+ rx: "35",
+ ry: "13.75",
+ transform: `rotate(${rotate}, 50, 50)`,
+ fill: "none",
+ stroke: "#58C4DC",
+ "stroke-width": "3",
+ });
+ svg.appendChild(ellipse);
+ });
+ const circle = createSvgElement("circle", {
+ cx: "50",
+ cy: "50",
+ r: "6.25",
+ fill: "#58C4DC",
+ });
+ svg.appendChild(circle);
+ node.appendChild(svg);
+#### Prevent reconnections with useCallback {/*prevent-listener-reconnections-with-usecallback*/}
+When a ref callback function change, React will disconnect and reconnect on render. This is similar to a function dependency in an effect. React does this because new prop values may be needed to be passed to the ref callback function.
+export default function ReactLogo() {
+ const setLogoRef = (node) => {
+ //...
+ };
+ //...
+ return
+To avoid unnecessary reconnections wrap your ref callback function in [useCallback](/reference/react/useCallback). Make sure to add any dependancies to the dependency array so the ref callback called with updated props when necessary.
+export default function ReactLogo() {
+ const setLogoRef = useCallback((node) => {
+ //....
+ }, []);
+ //...
+ return
+import { useState, useCallback } from "react";
+function WithoutCallback() {
+ const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
+ // 🚩 without useCallback, the callback changes every
+ // render, which causes the listener to reconnect
+ const handleRefEffect = (node) => {
+ function onClick() {
+ setCount((count) => count + 1);
+ }
+ console.log("without: adding event listener", node);
+ node.addEventListener("click", onClick);
+ return () => {
+ console.log("without: removing event listener", node);
+ node.removeEventListener("click", onClick);
+ };
+ };
+ return ;
+function WithCallback() {
+ const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
+ // ✅ with useCallback, the callback is stable
+ // so the listener doesn't reconnect each time
+ const handleRefEffect = useCallback((node) => {
+ function onClick() {
+ setCount((count) => count + 1);
+ }
+ console.log("with: adding event listener", node);
+ node.addEventListener("click", onClick);
+ return () => {
+ console.log("with: removing event listener", node);
+ node.removeEventListener("click", onClick);
+ };
+ }, []);
+ return ;
+export default function App() {
+ const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
+ const handleRefEffect = (node) => {
+ function onClick() {
+ setCount((count) => count + 1);
+ }
+ console.log("adding event listener", node);
+ node.addEventListener("click", onClick);
+ return () => {
+ console.log("removing event listener", node);
+ node.removeEventListener("click", onClick);
+ };
+ };
+ return (
+ <>
without useCallback
with useCallback
+ >
+ );
+#### Avoiding Stale Refs {/*avoiding-stale-refs*/}
+A `ref` callback function with a cleanup function that does not set `ref.current` to `null` can result in a `ref` to a unmounted node. Uncheck "Show Input" below and click "Submit" to see how the `ref` to the unmounted `` is still accessible by the click handler for the form.
+import { useRef, useState } from "react";
+export default function MyForm() {
+ const [showInput, setShowInput] = useState(true);
+ const inputRef = useRef();
+ const handleCheckboxChange = (event) => {
+ setShowInput(event.target.checked);
+ };
+ const handleSubmit = (event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (inputRef.current) {
+ alert(`Input value is: "${inputRef.current.value}"`);
+ } else {
+ alert("no input");
+ }
+ };
+ const inputRefCallback = (node) => {
+ inputRef.current = node;
+ return () => {
+ // ⚠️ You must set `ref.current` to `null`
+ // in this cleanup function e.g.
+ // `inputRef.current = null;`
+ // to prevent hanging refs to unmounted DOM nodes
+ };
+ };
+ return (
+ );
+To fix the hanging ref to the DOM node that is no longer rendered, set `ref.current` to `null` in the `ref` callback cleanup function.
+import { useRef } from "react";
+function MyInput() {
+ const inputRef = useRef()
+ const inputRefCallback = (node) => {
+ inputRef.current = node;
+ return () => {
+ // ⚠️ You must set `ref.current` to `null` in this cleanup
+ // function to prevent hanging refs to unmounted DOM nodes
+ inputRef.current = null;
+ };
+ };
+ return
## Troubleshooting {/*troubleshooting*/}
### I can't get a ref to a custom component {/*i-cant-get-a-ref-to-a-custom-component*/}
@@ -592,3 +893,6 @@ export default MyInput;
Then the parent component can get a ref to it.
Read more about [accessing another component's DOM nodes.](/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refs#accessing-another-components-dom-nodes)