A more detailed explanation between the process of commit phase and Browser paint. And
At the end of this section, it summrize that Any screen update in a React app happens in three steps:Trigger, Render and Commit, but this section is actually divided into four subsections
- Step 1: Trigger a render
- Step 2: React renders your components
- Step 3: React commits changes to the DOM
- Epilogue: Browser paint
I can't figure out if the process of commit phases include Browser paint. In the Synchronizing with Effects section, it mentions that Effect will run after every commit. I think including browser paint into the process of commit phase is expected, and it would make sense to cut down this section into just three subsections, including browser paint into submit subsection.
Also in the Synchronizing with Effects section, there are two sentences like so:
Effects run at the end of a commit after the screen updates.
By default, your Effect will run after every commit.
I am not a English navitive speaker, and I think at the end of and after have different meaning, at the end of show something happens in the process of commit , while after doesn't. It would make sense to change at the end of to another phrase.