When I use the reject_params configuration option I get the following error:
WARN -- : The following error occured when trying to log to the ReadMe metrics API: 783: unexpected token at ''. Request not logged.
To Reproduce
Clone my test/reproduction app here
# install deps
bundle install
# create a .env file at project root with README_API_KEY=your-valid-api-key
# start the server
rails s
Fire off a JSON API GET request to localhost:3000/api/participants
- error should be visible in console
Remove reject_params
config option, the code works as expected.
Additional details
Config looks like
Rails.application.config.middleware.use Readme::Metrics, {
api_key: ENV['README_API_KEY'],
reject_params: ['data'],
} do |env|
api_key: 'key',
label: 'name,
email: '[email protected]',
System details:
Ruby v2.7.6
Rails v6.0.6.1