Support for conditionally dereferencing with getReference/findReference
class methods #837
My current logic looks like this
const oasNormalizer = new OASNormalize(url)
const validatedSchema = await oasNormalizer.validate()
const schema = new Oas(validatedSchema);
await schema.dereference()
// skipping some traverse logic
let reqBodySchema: MediaTypeObject['schema'] = undefined
if (reqBodySchema) {
if ('type' in reqBodySchema) {
console.log('type:', reqBodySchema.type)
} else if ('$ref' in reqBodySchema) { // we should not need to do this because the schema has been dereferenced
console.log('ref:', reqBodySchema.$ref)
At this point, since the schema has been dereferenced, should we narrow the types so we don't have to do type narrowing? Something like this:
// dereferencedSchema returns a narrower type of schema that removes RefObject from `X | RefObject`
const dereferencedSchema = await schema.dereference()
Also, is there a way conditionally dereference schema? Something like this:
if ('$ref' in reqBodySchema) {
const ref = reqBodySchema.$ref // ref is a string
const refSchema1 = schema.getReference(ref) // return schema or throw error
const refSchema2 = schema.findReference(ref) // return schema or undefined
Let me know if I am doing anything that is not standard. New to this (great) library. Also recommendations for great Typescript libraries for the OpenAPI / JSONSchema ecosystem would be greatly appreciated!
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