Hey there! I'm trying to track the state change of an input to apply various CSS classes to it based on valid/invalid state.
For some reason it doesn't seem like the input is being re-rendered after I update component state on blur when I'm using ()
to implement the inputs. Strangely enough, I can see the event firing via console log when I render the input as []
but the actual state updating still does not happen.
Here's a snippet, ignore some of the random stuff in there. The key piece here is the swap!
(defn input [label type id error-id]
(let [key (keyword (name id))
component-state (r/atom {:count 0})]
(js/console.log "hi" label (get @component-state :count))
[:label.input-label label]
{:field type
:id id
:on-blur #(swap! component-state update-in [:count] inc)}]
[:div.error-container {:field :alert :id error-id}]]]))