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Can't set any Proxy for SCMProvider Generator in my ApplicationSet #655



Describe the bug

I am using the latest version of the operator, installed from Openshift Operator Hub (v1.11.1)
I have an ApplicationSet described as so:

- scmProvider:
       cloneProtocol: https
          group: "<group number>"
          api: "<proxy access only self hosted gitlab api address>"
              secretName: <my secret name>
              key: password
          insecure: true

The GET request to the Gitlab group logged by the applicationset-controller works with curl from the applicationset-controller pod with the right proxy params, however returns a 403 FORBIDDEN probably meaning that it is a proxy setting error:

level=error msg="error generating params" error="error failed to get params for first generator in matrix generator: child generator returned an error on parameter generation: error listing repos: error listing projects for 25978: Get \"https://<my private gilab domain>/api/v4/groups/<my group id>/projects?include_subgroups=false&per_page=100&topic=&with_shared=true\": Forbidden"

However, I cannot ovewrite the applicationset-proxy manifest to add a HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. I cannot neither in the ApplicationSet scmprovider generator, nor template, nor repository section in the ArgoCD GUI nor in a kind: Secret file, connect to my Gitlab group nor set a proxy parameter that will be taken in consideration by the applicationset-controller.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Try to deploy an ApplicationSet with a scmprovider generator pointing to a proxy access only private self hosted gitlab group.

Expected behavior
The query found in applicationset-controller logs after applying my AppplicationSet manifest (Get \"https://<my private gilab domain>/api/v4/groups/<my group id>/projects?include_subgroups=false&per_page=100&topic=&with_shared=true) should use a proxy and connect to the Gitlab group stated in the manifest.



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