The current implementation of LSP4IJ
does not yet fully adhere to the LSP (Language Server Protocol) specification.
This section provides an overview of the supported LSP features for IntelliJ:
Current state of Base protocol support:
- ✅ $/cancelRequest.
- ✅ $/progress (see implementation details)
Current state of Text Document Synchronization support:
- ✅ textDocument/didOpen.
- ✅ textDocument/didChange.
- ✅ textDocument/didClose.
- ✅ textDocument/didSave.
- ❌ textDocument/willSave.
- ❌ textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil.
Notebooks are not supported.
Current state of Language Features support:
- ✅ textDocument/definition (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/documentHighlight (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/publishDiagnostics (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/documentLink (see implementation details)
- ❌ documentLink/resolve.
- ✅ textDocument/hover (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/codeLens (see implementation details)
- ✅ codeLens/resolve
- ✅ workspace/codeLens/refresh
- ✅ textDocument/inlayHint (see implementation details)
- ❌ inlayHint/resolve
- ✅ workspace/inlayHint/refresh
- ✅ textDocument/completion (see implementation details)
- ✅ completionItem/resolve (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/signatureHelp (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/publishDiagnostics (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/codeAction (see implementation details)
- ✅ codeAction/resolve
- ✅ textDocument/documentColor (see implementation details)
- ❌ textDocument/colorPresentation.
- ✅ textDocument/declaration (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/typeDefinition (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/implementation (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/references (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/incomingCalls.
- ✅ textDocument/outgoingCalls.
- ✅ textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy (see implementation details)
- ✅ typeHierarchy/subtypes.
- ✅ typeHierarchy/supertypes.
- ✅ textDocument/foldingRange (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/selectionRange (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/documentSymbol (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/semanticTokens (experimental) (see implementation details)
- ❌ textDocument/inlineValue.
- ❌ workspace/inlineValue/refresh.
- ❌ textDocument/moniker.
- ❌ textDocument/pullDiagnostics.
- ✅ textDocument/formatting (see implementation details)
- ✅ textDocument/rangeFormatting (see implementation details).
- ✅ textDocument/onTypeFormatting (see implementation details).
- ✅ textDocument/prepareRename.
- ✅ textDocument/rename (see implementation details).
- ❌ textDocument/linkedEditingRange.
Current state of Workspace Features support:
- ✅ workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles.
- ✅ workspace/executeCommand.
- ✅ workspace/applyEdit.
- ✅ workspace/symbol (see implementation details)
- ❌ workspace/symbolResolve.
- ✅ workspace/configuration (see implementation details)
- ❌ workspace/workspaceFolders.
- ❌ workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders.
- ❌ workspace/willCreateFiles.
- ❌ workspace/didCreateFiles.
- ✅ workspace/willRenameFiles.
- ✅ workspace/didRenameFiles.
- ❌ workspace/willDeleteFiles.
- ❌ workspace/didDeleteFiles.
Current state of Window Features support
- ✅ window/showMessage. (see implementation details)
- ✅ window/showMessageRequest (see implementation details)
- ✅ window/logMessage (see implementation details)
- ✅ window/showDocument.
- ❌ telemetry/event.
$/progress is implemented with Background Tasks
Here a sample with Eclipse JDT Language Server:
textDocument/definition is implemented via the
extension point. As this extension point supports any
language, it works out-of-the-box.
It is also called via Find Usages to show definitions.
The textDocument/references is consumed with:
- the
Navigate / LSP Reference(s)
global menu. - or with the
Go To/ LSP Reference(s)
editor menu.
This menu action either opens the reference in a popup or navigates to the reference if there are several references:
textDocument/references is used also via Find Usages to show references.
The textDocument/implementation is consumed with:
- the
Navigate / LSP Implementation(s)
global menu. - or with the
Go To/ LSP Implementation(s)
editor menu.
This menu action either opens the implementation in a popup or navigates to the implementation if there are several implementations:
textDocument/implementation is also used via Find Usages to show implementations.
The textDocument/typeDefinition is consumed with:
- the
Navigate / LSP Type Definition(s)
global menu. - or with the
Go To/ Type Definition(s)
editor menu.
This menu action either opens the type definition in a popup or navigates to the type definition if there are several type definitions:
textDocument/typeDefinition is also used via Find Usages to show Type definitions.
The textDocument/declaration is consumed with:
- the
Navigate / LSP Declaration(s)
global menu. - or with the
Go To/ Declaration(s)
editor menu.
This menu action either opens the declaration in a popup or navigates to the declaration if there are several declarations:
textDocument/declaration is also used via Find Usages to show declarations.
textDocument/documentHighlight is implemented via the
extension point. As this extension point supports any
language, it works out-of-the-box.
Here is an example with the Qute language server, highlighting item variables:
textDocument/documentLink is implemented via:
- an
extension point, to display adocumentLink
with an hyperlink renderer. - a
extension point, to open the file of thedocumentLink
As those extension points support any
language, textDocument/documentLink
works out-of-the-box.
Here is an example with the Qute language server, displaying an include
template with an hyperlink renderer (Ctrl+Click opens the document link):
textDocument/hover is implemented with the platform.backend.documentation.targetProvider
extension point, to support any language, making textDocument/hover
work out-of-the-box for all languages.
Here is an example with the Qute language server showing documentation while hovering over an include
LSP4IJ supports Syntax Coloration
on hover and completion documentation. Here is an example with Rust Analyzer:
Syntax Coloration
is supported in:
- MarkDown Fenced Code Block.
const s = "";
const c = s.charAt(0);
It will apply the TypeScript TextMate
highlighting, inferred from the ts
file extension, and will be rendered like:
- MarkDown Indented Blockquote (
following with5 spaces
> const s = '';
> const c = s.charAt(0);
will use the Syntax coloration which triggers the hover / completion.
The rules to retrieve the proper syntax coloration are:
- if the code block defines the file extension, LSP4IJ tries to apply a matching TextMate grammar or custom syntax coloration by filename, mimetype.
- if the code block defines a language Id (e.g.
) and the syntax coloration must be retrieved from TextMate, it will use the fileNamePatterns extension point or [./](fileNamePattern of User defined language server) to find the file extension (e.g.ts
) associated with the languageId (e.g.typescript
const s = "";
const c = s.charAt(0);
- if the code block doesn't define the language, or indented blockquotes are used, it will fall back to the syntax coloration from the file in which the hover / completion documentation request was triggered.
If those strategies are insufficient for your needs, please create an issue to request an extension point for mapping the language and the file extension.
textDocument/codeLens is implemented with the codeInsight.codeVisionProvider
extension point.
As LSP4IJ registers LSPCodeLensProvider
for all languages associated with a language server, it works out-of-the-box.
Here is an example with the Qute language server, which shows REST services URL with codeLens:
textDocument/inlayHint is implemented with the codeInsight.inlayProvider
extension point.
LSP4IJ registers LSPInlayHintProvider for all languages associated with a language server with
LSPInlayHintProvidersFactory, so it works out-of-the-box.
Here is an example with the Qute language server showing the parameter's Java type as inlay hint:
textDocument/documentColor is implemented with the codeInsight.inlayProvider
extension point.
LSP4IJ registers LSPColorProvider for all languages associated with a language server with
LSPInlayHintProvidersFactory, so it works out-of-the-box.
Here is an example with the CSS language server showing the color's declaration with a colored square:
textDocument/completion is implemented with
LSPCompletionContributor class
declared with the
extension point. As this extension point supports any
language, it works out-of-the-box.
Here is an example with the Qute language server showing method completion:
The completionItem/resolve request is implemented to resolve:
- the
property of a completionItem.
Here a sample with TypeScript Language Server completion item which resolves and shows documentation
when the completion item is selected:
- the
property of a completionItem.
Here a sample with TypeScript Language Server completion item which resolves and shows detail
when the completion item is selected:
- the
property of a completionItem.
textDocument/signatureHelp is implemented with
the codeInsight.parameterInfo
extension point. By default, LSP4IJ registers the codeInsight.parameterInfo
LSPParameterInfoHandler class for TEXT
and textmate
<!-- LSP textDocument/signatureHelp -->
If you use another language, you will have to declare codeInsight.parameterInfo
with your language.
If codeInsight.parameterInfo
for the language is already defined by another plugin or the IDE,
you can use order="first"
to gain priority:
Here is an example with the TypeScript Language Server showing signature help:
textDocument/foldingRange is implemented with
the lang.foldingBuilder
extension point. By default, LSP4IJ registers the lang.foldingBuilder
LSPFoldingRangeBuilder class for TEXT
and textmate
<!-- LSP textDocument/folding -->
<lang.foldingBuilder id="LSPFoldingBuilderForText"
<lang.foldingBuilder id="LSPFoldingBuilderForTextMate"
If you use another language, you will have to declare lang.foldingBuilder
with your language.
Here is an example with the TypeScript Language Server showing folding:
LSP4IJ's folding range support also includes the ability to designate certain folding ranges as collapsed by default based on a combination of the IDE's Code Folding settings:
and how the folding ranges are categorized by the language server via the kind
attribute. By default, the following
folding ranges are folded by default:
- Those with
when Imports are configured to be folded by default in the IDE. - Those with
found on the first line of a file when File header is configured to be folded by default in the IDE.
Here is an example of collapse by default behavior with the Java Language Server showing automatic folding of both the file header comment and imports when the file is opened:
textDocument/selectionRange is implemented with
the extendWordSelectionHandler
extension point and used via the IDE's Extend Selection (Ctrl+W on Windows/Linux; Opt+Up on Mac) and Shrink Selection (Ctrl+Shift+W on Windows/Linux; Opt+Down on Mac) actions.
Here is an example with the TypeScript Language Server showing Extend/Shrink Selection using textDocument/selectionRange
LSP4IJ registers the an implementation of the codeBlockProvider
extension point with
LSPCodeBlockProvider for TEXT
and textmate
languages to provide block brace matching and easy navigation to
the beginning/end of the containing block. For maximum flexibility in the absence of a true AST in the LSP client, code
blocks are derived from textDocument/selectionRange
first and, failing that, from textDocument/foldingRange
As with other language-specific EP implementations, if you use another language, you will have to declare
with your language.
Below is an example with the TypeScript Language Server showing code block functionality. The IDE's Presentation Assistant shows the default keyboard shortcuts for each supported operating system to trigger these actions.
textDocument/publishDiagnostics is implemented with an externalAnnotator
extension point. As this extension point supports any
language, it works out-of-the-box.
Here is an example with the Qute language server reporting errors:
Here is an example featuring the Clojure LSP, which offers code actions:
- Quickfix code action (at the top): This type of code action is facilitated by registering a
quick fix within the IntelliJ annotation
. - Other code actions such as refactoring (at the bottom): These kinds of code actions are handled using
For the last type of code action, you can enable/disable them using the Intentions / Language Server
preference setting.
textDocument/rename is implemented with LSPRenameHandler class
declared with the renameHandler
extension point.
Here is an example with the TypeScript Language Server showing rename of function name:
textDocument/formatting / textDocument/rangeFormatting are implemented with
LSPFormattingOnlyService /
LSPFormattingAndRangeBothService with the formattingService
extension point.
textDocument/onTypeFormatting is implemented with
LSPServerSideOnTypeFormattingTypedHandler (typedHandler
extension point) and
LSPServerSideOnTypeFormattingEnterHandler (enterHandlerDelegate
extension point).
Here is an example with the Java Language Server showing automatic formatting of a code block when the close brace for a surrounding conditional statement is typed:
If desired — for example, for those who want to control when formatting is performed — server-side/LSP-based on-type formatting can be disabled via client configuration as follows:
"format": {
"onTypeFormatting": {
"serverSide": {
"enabled": false
Not all language servers support server-side on-type formatting, and those that do may be limited in the characters that trigger the feature. To provide an improved editor experience for users of such language servers, LSP4IJ also includes support for client-side on-type formatting. Client-side on-type formatting can be enabled via client configuration with the following settings:
- When set totrue
, formatting is automatically applied when a close brace character is typed. Defaults tofalse
- Specifies the exact characters that should treated as a close brace character for purposes of client-side on-type formatting. Defaults to the close brace characters for the language, typically}
, and)
- Specifies the scope that should be formatted when a close brace is typed. Valid values areCODE_BLOCK
. Defaults toCODE_BLOCK
- When set totrue
, formatting is automatically applied when a statement terminator character is typed. Defaults tofalse
- Specifies the exact characters that should treated as a statement terminator character for purposes of client-side on-type formatting. Defaults to empty and must be specified ifformatOnStatementTerminator
is enabled.format.onTypeFormatting.clientSide.formatOnStatementTerminatorScope
- Specifies the scope that should be formatted when a statement terminator is typed. Valid values areSTATEMENT
. Defaults toSTATEMENT
. The other values are most useful for language servers that do not support range formatting or yield incorrect results for range formatting.format.onTypeFormatting.clientSide.formatOnCompletionTrigger
- When set totrue
, formatting is automatically applied when a completion trigger character is typed. Defaults tofalse
- Specifies the exact characters that should treated as a completion trigger character for purposes of client-side on-type formatting. Defaults to the completion trigger characters specified by the language server.- Note that there is no configurable scope for completion trigger-based formatting. Exactly the type completion trigger character is formatted. As above, support for this may vary by language server.
Note that FILE
scope is most useful for language servers that do not support range formatting properly or at all, but
of course it results in reformatting of the entire file when a corresponding trigger character is typed. Usage of FILE
scope is therefore left to the discretion of the end user.
For example, the TypeScript Language Server does not support server-side on-type formatting at all, but client-side on-type formatting can provide solid incremental formatting of JavaScript and TypeScript source files. The TypeScript language server configuration template therefore includes the following default client-side on-type formatting configuration:
"format": {
"onTypeFormatting": {
"clientSide": {
"formatOnCloseBrace": true,
"formatOnStatementTerminator": true,
"formatOnStatementTerminatorCharacters": ";",
"formatOnCompletionTrigger": true
Here is an example of client-side on-type formatting with that configuration showing automatic indentation of a
statement continuation when the completion trigger character .
is typed and automatic formatting of an entire code
block when the closing brace character }
is typed for a surrounding conditional statement:
If server-side on-type formatting is supported by the language server and enabled and client-side on-type formatting is enabled for specific trigger characters, only client-side on-type formatting will be applied when those specific trigger characters are typed.
window/showMessage supports Markdown messages and clickable links.
Here is an example with Rust Analyzer reporting an error:
"type": 1,
"message": "Failed to discover workspace.\nConsider adding the `Cargo.toml` of the workspace to the [`linkedProjects`]( setting.\n\nFailed to load workspaces."
is rendered as a Balloon
You can change the notification behavior of LSP/window/showMessage
by using the standard UI Notifications
preferences :
window/showMessageRequest is supported.
Here is an example with Scala Language Server (MetaLS) reporting a message request:
"actions": [
"title": "Create .scalafmt.conf"
"title": "Run anyway"
"title": "Not now"
"type": 1,
"message": "No .scalafmt.conf file detected. How would you like to proceed:"
is rendered as a Sticky balloon
You can change the notification behavior of LSP/window/showMessageRequest
by using the standard UI Notifications
preferences :
Before you start reading this section, please read the User Guide to configure support for semantic tokens.
The semantic tokens support:
- uses only textDocument/semanticTokens/full LSP request.
- uses the IntelliJ Semantic Highlighting support by implementing HighlightVisitor with the LSPSemanticTokensHighlightVisitor class.
- Use SemanticTokensColorsProvider API to get TextAttributesKey from tokenType, tokenModifiers.
- By default, LSP4IJ, uses the DefaultSemanticTokensColorsProvider but you can use your own provider with the semanticTokensColorsProvider extension point.
The following table lists the currently predefined mappings:
- the
Semantic token types
column shows the standard LSP Semantic token types. - the
Semantic modifiers types
column shows the standard LSP Semantic modifier types. - the
column defines theTextAttributesKey
constants declared in the LSP4IJSemanticTokensHighlightingColors
class. - the
column defines the standardTextAttributesKey
used by IntelliJ thatSemanticTokensHighlightingColors
Semantic token types | Semantic modifier types | SemanticTokensHighlightingColors | (inherited from) DefaultLanguageHighlighterColors |
namespace | definition | NAMESPACE_DECLARATION | CLASS_NAME |
namespace | declaration | NAMESPACE_DECLARATION | CLASS_NAME |
class | definition | CLASS_DECLARATION | CLASS_NAME |
class | declaration | CLASS_DECLARATION | CLASS_NAME |
enum | ENUM | CLASS_NAME | |
struct | STRUCT | CLASS_NAME | |
typeParameter | TYPE_PARAMETER | PARAMETER | |
type | TYPE | CLASS_NAME | |
parameter | PARAMETER | PARAMETER | |
variable | static + readonly | STATIC_READONLY_VARIABLE | CONSTANT |
variable | static | STATIC_VARIABLE | STATIC_FIELD |
variable | readonly | READONLY_VARIABLE | LOCAL_VARIABLE |
property | static + readonly | STATIC_READONLY_PROPERTY | CONSTANT |
property | static | STATIC_PROPERTY | STATIC_FIELD |
property | readonly | READONLY_PROPERTY | INSTANCE_FIELD |
decorator | DECORATOR | METADATA | |
function | defaultLibrary | DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCTION | STATIC_METHOD |
method | static | STATIC_METHOD | STATIC_METHOD |
macro | MACRO | KEYWORD | |
label | LABEL | LABEL | |
comment | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | |
string | STRING | STRING | |
keyword | KEYWORD | KEYWORD | |
number | NUMBER | NUMBER | |
modifier | MODIFIER | KEYWORD | |
If you need other mapping:
- if you think it is a generic mapping, please create a contribution to define a new
constants - if the mapping is specific to your language, use the semanticTokensColorsProvider extension point to define your own provider and mapping.
The IDE's lang.psiStructureViewFactory
extension point is implemented using textDocument/documentSymbol. By default, LSP4IJ registers the lang.psiStructureViewFactory
LSPDocumentSymbolStructureViewFactory class for TEXT
and textmate
<!-- LSP textDocument/documentSymbol -->
If you use another language, you will have to declare lang.psiStructureViewFactory
with your language.
If lang.psiStructureViewFactory
for the language is already defined by another plugin or the IDE,
you can use order="first"
to gain priority:
Here is an example with TypeScript Language Server
which opens the standard File Structure
with Ctrl+F12
/ Cmd+F12
(also available with the Navigate / File Structure
menu) to display TypeScript functions as symbols and navigate them easily:
You can also open the Structure
view using the View / Tool Windows / Structure
The IDE's breadcrumbsInfoProvider
extension point is also implemented using textDocument/documentSymbol. LSP4IJ registers the extension point for all file types and languages but filters at runtime for those associated with configured language server definitions.
The feature is enabled by default but can be disabled by overriding the respective feature flag either in code by overriding LSPBreadcrumbsFeature#isEnabled()
(custom language server definitions) or client configuration (user-defined language server definitions). Note that sticky lines are only supported in JetBrains 2024.1+ IDE versions.
Here is an example of breadcrumbs and sticky lines in TypeScript:
textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy is implemented with
the callHierarchyProvider
extension point. By default, LSP4IJ registers the callHierarchyProvider
LSPCallHierarchyProvider class for TEXT
and textmate
<!-- LSP textDocument/callHierarchy request support -->
implementationClass="com.redhat.devtools.lsp4ij.features.callHierarchy.LSPCallHierarchyProvider" />
implementationClass="com.redhat.devtools.lsp4ij.features.callHierarchy.LSPCallHierarchyProvider" />
If you use another language, you will have to declare callHierarchyProvider
with your language:
implementationClass="com.redhat.devtools.lsp4ij.features.callHierarchy.LSPCallHierarchyProvider" />
After setting the cursor position in a file, you can view the Call Hierarchy using the Navigate / Call Hierarchy
menu (or Ctrl+Alt+H
Below is an example of a call hierarchy using the Go Language Server:
textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy is implemented with
the typeHierarchyProvider
extension point. By default, LSP4IJ registers the typeHierarchyProvider
LSPTypeHierarchyProvider class for TEXT
and textmate
<!-- LSP textDocument/typeHierarchy request support -->
implementationClass="com.redhat.devtools.lsp4ij.features.typeHierarchy.LSPTypeHierarchyProvider" />
implementationClass="com.redhat.devtools.lsp4ij.features.typeHierarchy.LSPTypeHierarchyProvider" />
If you use another language, you will have to declare typeHierarchyProvider
with your language:
implementationClass="com.redhat.devtools.lsp4ij.features.typeHierarchy.LSPTypeHierarchyProvider" />
After setting the cursor position in a file, you can view the Type Hierarchy using the Navigate / Type Hierarchy
menu (or Ctrl+H
workspace/symbol is implemented with the gotoSymbolContributor
and gotoClassContributor
extension points as appropriate for the symbol type(s).
Here is an example with the MicroProfile language server collecting JAX-RS endpoints: