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Test failures while running test-cmd-debug test suite on ppc64le #3502




I have made changes to the scripts/ and scripts/ for Power on the lines of the Z changes.
Also done the setup required like creating the secret to pull redhat registry images. Currently I am trying to run the scripts/openshiftci-presubmit-all-tests.s and seeing the below issues for test-cmd-debug test suite:

Summarizing 5 Failures:

[Fail] odo debug command tests odo debug on a nodejs:latest component [It] should expect a ws connection when tried to connect on default debug port locally

[Fail] odo debug command tests odo debug on a nodejs:latest component [It] check that machine output debug information works

[Fail] odo debug command tests odo debug on a nodejs:latest component [It] should expect a ws connection when tried to connect on different debug port locally and remotely

[Fail] odo debug command tests odo debug info should work on a odo component [It] should start a debug session and run debug info on a closed debug session

[Fail] odo debug command tests odo debug info should work on a odo component [It] should start a debug session and run debug info on a running debug session

Ran 5 of 177 Specs in 66.287 seconds
FAIL! -- 0 Passed | 5 Failed | 0 Pending | 172 Skipped

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 1m11.122493463s
Test Suite Failed
make: *** [Makefile:284: test-cmd-debug] Error 1

Attaching detailed test run and some post failure investigation steps -




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