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Jan Richter edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 9 revisions


There are two types of input boxes in VS Code: 'quick input' and 'quick open'. They can both be made to look the same, have nearly the same functionality, but different DOM. Hence each is handled by a different page object. Make sure you look for the correct type, otherwise you will likely receive a lookup error.


This is the page object for the plain and simple input box you either put some text into, or just pick from the quick pick selection.


There are no methods that explicitly open and return a handle to an input box. So first make sure it is opened before you try to handle it.

import { InputBox } from 'vscode-extension-tester';
const input = new InputBox();

Quick Input Message

The only difference in the GUI to quick open box is the option to display a message underneath a quick input box. To get it, use:

const message = await input.getMessage();


Analogically to quick input, this is the page object handling quick open box. This type of input is usually used to (apart from other functions) open files or folders. The command prompt is also built on this element.


import { QuickOpenBox } from 'vscode-extension-tester';
const input = new QuickOpenBox();

Common Functionality

Text Manipulation

// get text in the input box
const text = await input.getText();
// replace text in the input box with a string
await input.setText('amazing text');
// get the placeholder text
const placeholder = await input.getPlaceHolder();


// confirm (press enter in the input)
await input.confirm();
// cancel (press escape in the input)
await input.cancel();
// get quick pick options
const picks = await input.getQuickPicks();
// select a quick pick item by text or index
await input.selectQuickPick(1);
await input.selectQuickPick('Input.d.ts');


// find if there is an active progress bar
const hasProgress = await input.hasProgress();


Page objects retrieved when calling getQuickPick

const picks = await input.getQuickPicks();
const pick = picks[0];


// get text
const text = await pick.getText();
// get index
const index = pick.getIndex();
// select (click) the item (recommend to use input.selectQuickPick() if possible)
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