When php-fpm stuck and didn't respond, php-fpm-healthckeck can't handle this, and timeouts to connect to the port.
root@deployment-php-5bddfd7964-7ctmf:/app# php-fpm-healthcheck -v Trying to connect to php-fpm via: localhost:9000/status ^C
So, php-fpm-healthcheck doesn't return fail status in a reasonable time.
Since K8s doesn't handle timeouts healthcheck, it doesn't work. Because Kubernetes remove the pod from service only when heathcheck returning fail event.
Readiness probe errored: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
Readiness probe errored, but pod didn't remove from services.
Is there any way to setup a reasonable timeout to connect to the PHP port for the php-fpm-healthcheck?