title |
Playwright Overview |
Using the Playwright Chrome driver, you're able to easily integrate Replay into your Playwright tests:
{% icon icon="playwright" class="w-6 h-5 inline-block mr-1 mb-1" /%} Playwright:{% class="font-semibold"%}
npx playwright test --project replay-chromium
{% quick-links title="Read more" description="Integrate Replay into your Playwright test debugging process by adding it to your CI workflow." %}
{% quick-link title="Record your Playwright tests" icon="playwright" href="/basics/getting-started/record-your-playwright-tests" description="Learn how to get started with Playwright and Replay" /%}
{% quick-link title="GitHub Actions" icon="github" href="/reference/test-runners/playwright/github-actions" description="See how you can record all of your Playwright tests in GitHub Actions" /%}
{% quick-link title="Other CI Providers" icon="timeline" href="/reference/test-runners/playwright/other-ci-providers" description="Record your Playwright tests using other CI providers." /%}
{% /quick-links %}