Table of Contents
The following examples operate on events.
Fetch events from the SCMA website and converts them to YAML.
scma-gsync events -u <scma-username> -p <scma-password> -o yaml > events.yml
Read events from a YAML file and sync them to Google Calendar.
scma-gsync events -i yaml --ifile events.yml
The following examples operate on users.
Fetch users from the SCMA website and converts them to YAML.
scma-gsync users -u <scma-username> -p <scma-password> -o yaml > users.yml
Read users from a YAML file and sync them to the Access Control List (ACL) for Google Calendar.
scma-gsync users -i yaml --ifile users.yml
Fetch users from the SCMA website and sync them to the Access Control List (ACL) for Google Calendar.
scma-gsync users -u <scma-username> -p <scma-password>
Reads users from a YAML file and sync them to Google Contacts.
scma-gsync users -i yaml --ifile users.yml -o gppl