Attendees (please add yourself to this list and tell us one good thing going on in your life recently)
- Kevin Lumbard
- Ritik Malik: watching Loki
- Yash Prakash
- Matt Germonprez
- Georg Link: First day back from vacation
Sent update on mailing list for MARS user testing of Docker image
- Review: working fine on Nico’s system (new guy)
- Mentor reviews: (due)
- AI Georg: find email about this and do the review of MARS
- AI Kevin: review MARS
Another working group standardized! - wg-common
- Thanks Kevin for this as well as the website migration
- Focus-areas table accidentally got removed:
- chaoss/wg-metrics-development#134: Done
PRs for standardization of Chinese Metrics
- All Accepted
Documentation update - (include cover.tex in README) [AI Ritik] - Done
Need to add newly released metrics to yml file?
Model for translations MARS
- User Input language-directory-name, e.g. (chinese, spanish…)
- To provide input we can either take full language names or options 1,2, etc.
- Need to create a dynamic structure to detect languages present in translation repository
- Display them as options - 1,2, etc.
- Auto-detect the yml file for that particular language - throw warning and exit if no yml found OR not following the correct naming convention
- To provide input we can either take full language names or options 1,2, etc.
- User Input YAML filename
- Separate yml file for each language
- Need a naming convention for yml file
- User Input cover page filename
- User Input language-directory-name, e.g. (chinese, spanish…)
Do we want to standardize Spanish metrics and README?
- Do we have an active community for spanish translations?
- Yes
Add Translation updates…. [AI Yash]
Create checklist of process that should be done by the WG to alert translations community and the
- Continue on MARS documentation
- Make structure for translations directory in MARS
- Write scripts for yml,, Docker for translations
- Update chinese translations
- Update spanish translations