The “User Profile Customization” feature allows users to personalize their profiles by adding a profile picture, a bio, and selecting a theme color. This feature aims to enhance user engagement and satisfaction by providing a more personalized experience.
Profile Picture Upload
- Users can upload a profile picture.
- Accepted file formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF.
- Maximum file size: 5 MB.
- Users can remove or change their profile picture.
Bio Section
- Users can add a bio with a maximum length of 250 characters.
- Bio can include plain text only (no HTML or special formatting).
Theme Color Selection
- Users can select a theme color from a predefined palette.
- The selected theme color should be applied across the user’s profile page.
Profile Settings Page
- A new section in the user’s settings page for profile customization.
- Includes fields for uploading a profile picture, adding a bio, and selecting a theme color.
Profile Page
- Displays the user’s profile picture, bio, and the selected theme color.
Profile Picture Upload
- Upload Button: Allows users to select and upload a picture from their device.
- Preview: Shows a preview of the uploaded picture before saving.
- Remove Button: Allows users to remove the current profile picture.
Bio Section
- Text Area: Input field for users to type their bio.
- Character Counter: Displays the remaining characters while typing.
Theme Color Selection
- Color Palette: A grid of color options for users to choose from.
- Preview: Shows a real-time preview of the selected theme color.
- Profile picture upload should be completed within 5 seconds.
- The theme color change should reflect instantly on the profile page.
- Profile pictures should be scanned for viruses before upload.
- Ensure data validation to prevent script injections in the bio section.
Profile Picture Upload
- Users can successfully upload a profile picture in the specified formats and within the size limit.
- Users can preview, change, and remove their profile picture.
Bio Section
- Users can add, edit, and save a bio up to 250 characters.
- The character counter accurately reflects the remaining characters.
Theme Color Selection
- Users can select a theme color and see the changes applied immediately on their profile page.
- The selected theme color persists after the user logs out and logs back in.