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- I have searched the Inference issues and found no similar bug report.
The same workflow tested, reporting only latency for single frame processing inside WorkflowRunner.run_workflow(...) function:
Jetson Nano Orin, bare metal in script using InferencePipeline directly - not measured precisely now, but older tests indicated the same performance as on MacBook when yolov8n-640 used - which was the model used in test case
Jetson Nano Orin, inside docker container, behind API - ~50ms
We have docker overhead, not 100% sure if it is visible on Jetson devices, but MacBook one makes drop from 27fps into <10fps 😢
Also measured that running 2 streams at the time gives over 30FPS in total so the compute is there, but something makes the pipeline slower than potentially could be inside Jetson Docker
Jetson Nano Orin, Jetpack 5.1.1
Minimal Reproducible Example
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